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*Tobin POV*

It's the morning after we all went out and celebrated. Everyone except me got completely wasted and Mal went with the rest of the team to catch up, so obviously I'm the first one awake.

I walk out into the kitchen as I check my phone seeing a text from Kling saying she can't wait to see me at boot camp.

I smile slightly as I get some coffee, brushing my freshly washed hair to one side. I grab my guitar and go onto the balcony of the small apartment.

I take a sip of coffee before I get down and strum the instrument in my lap softly.

*Alex POV*

I wake up with a slight groan at my pounding headache. I see a coffee mug and two aspirin on the nightstand next to me as I sit up.

"Hey Lex, I know you drank a lot last night so here. I love you. -Tobes"

I read the familiar messy script of my mate with a soft smile as I take the aspirin and drink some of the coffee as I walk into the kitchen.

I hear a guitar playing and walk towards the balcony. I stop when I see the door open with Tobin strumming the guitar and humming softly.

A smile breaks across my features as I take in her beauty.

She begins to sing and the smile stays on my face as I hear my favorite tomboy-ish voice.

"There was a time when I was alone,
nowhere to go and no place to call home, my only friend was the man in the moon, and even sometimes he would go away, too"

I frown slightly when I recognize the song.

"Then one night, as I closed my eyes, I Saw a shadow flying high, he came to me with the sweetest smile, told me he wanted to talk for awhile, he said, 'Peter Pan—that's what they call me. I promise that you'll never be lonely.' And ever since that day..."

I tilt my head slightly as I listen to her sing.

"I am a lost boy from Neverland, usually hanging out with Peter Pan.
And when we're bored we play in the woods, always on the run from Captain Hook 'Run, run, lost boy,' they say to me, 'Away from all of reality.' "

Not only do I see the emotion etched into her features but I hear it in her voice as she sings fully with her heart.

I decide to step in, clapping slowly, causing her gaze to snap to mine. She sets her guitar down as I sit on her lap.

"That was beautiful baby." I smile giving her a quick kiss.

"Thank you." I receive her broad smile.

I go to say something before we both hear two people screaming and a loud thud.

We turn to each other confused before standing up and going to investigate.

We see the room to Oakley and Ashley's room open and peek our heads in, except it's not Oakley in the room with Ashley. It's Ali.

Both of them are full clothed (ya nasties i know where your minds went) staring at each other.

I try to stifle a laugh as Tobin chuckles "Everything okay guys?" She asks.

"Why am I in Oakley's bed?" Ali asks.

Tobin shrugs, "After we got home, I took Alex in my room and we both went to sleep."

"Wait. If I'm here, that means that Ashley is-" Ali is cut off by another two screams. "In bed with Ashlyn." She finishes.

We all bust out laughing as Ashlyn and Oakley both storm into the room.

"Okay from now on, we are never getting drunk enough to not even be able to get in bed with our own mates." Oakley says.

"What happened with you two?" Ashley asks.

"Well, you see. Practically every morning when I wake up I pull Ali close and kiss her forehead." Ashlyn starts as she rubs the back of her neck.

"And I grabbed her arm and tried to cuddle more then I felt the ink on her arm." Oakley continues.

"Then both our eyes kind of simultaneously opened and well yeah." Ashlyn said.

Everyone in the room busts out laughing before we are quickly shushed by Hope who steps in.

"Shut up you guys, you've probably woke up the entire fucking city." She grumbles before leaving to get coffee.

All of us look at each other and begin giggling before we disperse to get ready to go about our day.


*Tobin POV*

"God Tobin you're so stupid!" Alex yells.

I look down. "Lex, I'm sorry."

"No. You always say fucking sorry like it'll fix everything, that won't fix this. You beat the fuck out of one of my friends because you thought he was flirting with me, Jesus Christ! Don't you have any self control? What the fuck are you going to do when we are out on the pitch and someone pisses you off huh? Are you going to hulk out and beat the living shit out of them too?" She screams. "I told you to leave it alone and you fucking didn't. Why can't you just fucking listen to me for once Tobin? I mean for fucks sake do you even love me anymore? We barely even touch each other half the time anymore."

I feel my heart twinge at her words as tears form against my bottom lashes.

"Of course I love you Alex. You are my mate." I tremble out as I lift my gaze to her's.

"Yeah well maybe you aren't mine." She states before leaving and slamming the door behind her.

That's when the tears spill over.

I step back against the wall and slide my back down it as I cry.

I bring my knees up to my chest, folding my arms over them as I rest my forehead on my arms.

No one else is here, as to where they are I have no clue. It's just me.

I can't lose her. Not Alex. She's my other half, I'm lost without her.

I don't know how long I sit on the floor shaking and sobbing but I know it's a while. I hear someone at the door and quickly stand up dashing the tears from my eyes.

I see Christen open the door.

"Hey Press..." I say weakly.

"Oh my gosh, Tobin. What happened?" She asks hurriedly giving me a hug.

I explain everything that happened and she kisses the top of my head.

She takes me in her room and leaves so I can change into sweats and a baggy shirt.

When she comes back in she has a glass of water for me.

Eventually I calm down enough to watch a movie. Christen turns on Stick It.

I curl up to her, my head on her chest and an arm across her stomach while she has an arm around me.

My breathing begins to slow down and before I know it I'm drifting to sleep.

A/N: Preath action. Let me know what you guys think, be nice to yourselves and stay rad. -Kaycee

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