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5:30 PM

All day I've just been hanging out around the house. Hope came in and attacked me with snow balls while I was cooking breakfast which lead to an all out snow war.

Everyone went out and hit the slopes earlier so it's just Kelley and I hanging out in the living room.

"Oh yeah Kells I never told you but I have a friend coming over for dinner tonight." I say as I sprawl out on the couch even more and flip through Netflix.

"Does Hope know?" She asks attacked and I answer with a nod.

"That's actually kind of funny because I'm having a few guests over for dinner as well." She chuckles.

"Well hopefully we'll all get along." I joke as everyone else gets back from the slopes.


Mal just arrived, she's in with everyone else watching Bob's Burgers. Every once in a while I hear a laugh erupt from the living room where they currently reside.

I'm cooking everyone's dinner when I hear the doorbell. Kelley emerges from her previous space.

"That must be my guests." She smiles before going to answer the door.

As soon as the door swings open I catch their scent. Apparently Hope does too because she hurries into the kitchen while Kelley talks to them and leads them into the living room.

"What are they?" I mind-link to her

"Vampires." She answers and I gulp slightly.

"Just play it cool. Don't start anything, but if they start shit we sure as hell will finish it. Understand?" She leaves back into the living room to talk with everyone.

The doorbell rings again and I go get it letting Mal inside. She comes in the kitchen to hang out with me as I finish up dinner.

Once the table is set we all sit down.

At the head of the table is Hope, at the other end facing her is Christen. On one side starting next to Hope goes: Mal, Ash, Ali, Alex and I. On the other side:Kelley, Gareth, Sergio, Lauren, and Stevie.

There's a certain tension lingering around us as we eat, us wolves/hybrids know they are vampires and they know we are wolves I'm assuming.

Kelley doesn't know they are vampires so she doesn't think anything is wrong. Mal doesn't know about any of us.

This should be interesting.

"This is an extraordinary meal." Sergio interrupts the silence that fell on us.

"Thank you, I was kind of rushed because I started cooking later than I intended." I say.

"Well it's amazing, you can't even tell." Lauren says.

I move my gaze to lock with her deep green eyes.

Lauren has wild raven black hair, intense emerald green eyes, pale skin which contrasts with the darkness of her hair.

She's beautiful to say the least but she has a look in her eye that says 'I want to tear your head off.'

"Thank you." I mumble breaking our gaze.

I glance over to see Gareth with a pained expression on his face.

"Hey G, you alright?" Stevie asks.

He looks up and his veins are sticking out beneath his blood red eyes.

He lunges at Mal who is sitting across from him and I spring into action.

I'm on top of the table stopping him from coming over it as I shove him back hard into the wall behind him while everyone else jumps up and begins fighting.

Hope has Kelley behind her protectively.

I jump down and see Mal's eyes bright gold.

What the fuck?

She growls and begins fighting against the vampires.

I see Alex pinned to the wall by Lauren and I run and tackle the emerald eyed girl to the ground.

My eyes shift color as I get bigger, claws and fangs growing as I slash across her porcelain face watching as the deep red color of blood ruins her clothes and drips onto the hardwood floor beneath her.

Before I know it I'm slashing back and forth continuously as I let out my aggression.

I feel my body shift more before I plunge my hand into her chest and rip the beating organ out of her chest cavity.

I get up to see Sergio jumping at me and I catch him mid air, ripping his heart out effortlessly.

I glance over to see Mal on top of Gareth before she gets off as he catches on fire.

Did she do that?

After we have killed them all we return to our normal human forms and all turn to Mal.

"What the hell are you?" I ask.

"Yeah, you aren't a werewolf or were anything for that matter. I thought maybe a Windigo but your eyes would've been practically white." Christen says.

"Hell hound. I'm a hell hound." She states.

A/N:Little Mal is a little badass. Let me know what you think babes. Keep it positive -Kaycee.

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