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*Alex POV*

The next morning I wake up before Tobin which is a rare occurrence. I smile softly as I look up at her and trace her jawline with my fingers, carefully.

God she's so beautiful.

I trace my fingers down to her collarbone and press a soft kiss against her tan skin that is glowing from the few sun rays spilling through the curtains.

Her hair is a mess splayed around her head, the darkness contrasting with the white pillow case.

Her lips are parted slightly forming forming a diamond shaped 'O'.

I kiss just under her jaw softly as I carefully move from the grip she has on me and stand up pulling my panties up my legs before throwing on one of Tobin's hoodies and walking into the kitchen.

I start cooking breakfast for everyone as I put music on and dance slightly while I prepare the food.

I stir the pancake batter as I hum and spin in a circle jumping slightly when I see Ashlyn sitting at one of the bar stools with her elbows on the counter, one arm resting against the granite while her chin rests in the other and her fingers are splayed over her lips slightly. She has quiet the amused look on her face.

"Well look at you all peppy this morning." She smirks dropping her hand from her face to interlock her fingers in front of her on the counter.

I roll my eyes "What? Can't a girl be happy?" I ask as a piece of toasts pop up.

I walk over and grab it putting some butter on it before stretching my arm out to Ashlyn.

"Toast?" I ask.

She leans forward on her forearms, taking a bite of the toast with a smirk.

"Thanks Lex." She says with the smirk splayed on her lips still.

"No problem." I smirk back before grabbing her a plate and setting the toast down on it.

I finish cooking for everyone and set the food out. I go to call everyone in before Ashlyn clears her throat.

"You might want to put on some pants super star, I'll get everyone here." She chuckles as I blush and go to the room I'm sharing with Tobes.

When I walk in Tobin is already showered and dressed.

"Hey beautiful." She smiles and pulls me in for a kiss.

I return the smile "Hey babe."

I get dressed in soccer pants and one of Tobin's black v-neck t-shirts.

We make our way out to the table with the rest of the girls and take the remaining seats which puts Tobin between Christen and I.

After we eat our breakfast Tobin stretches her arms up then stands taking our plates.

"So when are we hitting the slopes?" Oakley asks with her arm draped across the back of Ashley's chair.

"You and Ashley can go now if you want and after everyone else gets ready we'll meet up with you." I suggest as I stand.

"Alright, babe let's go change." Oakley says excitedly as she jumps out of her chair and practically sprints into her room to change.

I chuckle at my daughters antics before I make my way into the room I share with Tobin.


*Tobin POV*

We are all on the mountain skiing or snowboarding. I'm snowboarding and currently racing Oakley down one of the slopes.

I carve a little towards the left to avoid a tree as I glance over at Oakley who is about twenty feet behind me.

When I turn so I'm facing forward I see someone right in front of me and before I can stop out bodies collide.

As we fall I turn us so she lands on top of me, I'm a wolf so I won't feel as much pain.

"I'm so so sorry" I apologize quickly looking up into the goggles seeing my own reflection.

The girl pushes them to rest on top of her beanie and smiles.

"It's totally okay." She chuckles as as we both get up.

"I'm Mal." She sticks her gloved hand out.

"Tobin." I shake her hand giving her a smile.

"You should let me buy you a hot chocolate or something since I basically tackled you." I tell her.

"Alright but please tell me it's not you hitting on me. I mean no offense, you are gorgeous and all but I'm only seventeen." She chuckles as we slowly make our way down the slope.

"How old do you think I am?" I laugh.

"Late twenties." She says.

"Well you're right." I smile before we both come to a stop at the bottom and unhook our boots from the binds.

We lock our boards to a pole before walking into the lodge.

After I buy her the hot chocolate we sit at a nearby table and start talking mindlessly.

About thirty minutes later Alex and Christen walk in and I tense slightly at their closeness.

Alex sees me and they both walk over to Mal and I.

I smile as I stand and give Alex a hug and quick peck.

"Hey guys." I say "This is Mal, we had a little collision earlier on the slope, Mal this is my girlfriend Alex and friend Christen." I introduce them.

Alex smiles warmly as her and Mal shake hands "It's nice to meet you." They say in unison causing us all to laugh.

"I was wondering where you went earlier." Alex says as we sit down next to each other and Christen next to Mal.

We all soon break out into conversation.

"So Mal, what's your story?" Alex asks.

"Well uh I had a rough start in life. I don't have a family and I play soccer. There isn't a lot to know about me." She shrugs and I feel my heart tug in sympathy.

"Wait didn't you say you were only seventeen?" I ask.

She nods.

"And you have no family?" I question.

She nods again.

"Well even if you don't know us well. If you ever need anything. Anything at all, feel free to call or text me." I say as I write my number down and give it to her.

"Thank you so much." She smiles as Oakley walks in and over to us.

"Hey guys, Hope said we have to go. Like right now." She says giving a small smile towards Mal.

Sensing the urgency in her voice we all stand and I look towards Mal.

"I meant what I said. If you ever need anything or someone to talk to just hit me up." I smile before taking Alex's hand and leaving.

Once we are all back at our cabin I walk up to Hope.

"Why did we have to leave so quickly?" I ask.

"There was a clan of vampires and I didn't feel like causing a scene with a fight that was bound to happen." She answers.

I simply nod before going back to my room.

Well this has been an interesting vacation so far.

I think to myself before changing into sweats and a sports bra and crawling into bed with Alex.

A/N: Aye homeslices. How are my fellow bad bitches doing?  Lol let me know what you guys think and keep it positive (: -Kaycee

P.S that clip of Tobes is so cute

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