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*Ashlyn POV* -Flashback to Brazil-

"Thank you so much, again, Ash. I don't know how I'm going to repay you." Ali says while she traces the ink covering my arm.

"Ali stop thanking me. Trust me you repaid me well enough just now." I smile softly as a slight blush creeps on her cheeks.

Dear god she's beautiful.

"You truly are my knight in shining armor." She says with a smile on her lips.

I sit up and pull on my boxers and jeans along with my bra.

"You aren't leaving are you?" She asks worriedly as she sits up with the white sheet covering her body.

"No, no of course not babe. I'm going to find something to eat if you don't mind." I tell her as I stand.

"Then I would like to take you to where I'm staying so you can meet my pack." I inform her as she pulls on her panties and my T-shirt.

She follows me into the kitchen of her small apartment.

"I would love to meet them." She smiles.

I search through her fridge before grabbing an apple and biting into it.

"You should probably put real clothes on." I tease as my eyes drink in her attire.

"Yeah that's probably a good idea." She giggles before pulling my shirt over her head and tossing it at me.

I catch it and slip it over my head. She comes out soon after.

"Ready?" I ask.

"For anything." She answers.

Once we reach Christen's place I walk inside with Ali following me. Our fingers laced together.

Luckily everyone is sitting in the living room where I lead Ali.

"Hi everyone, uhm, this is Ali, my mate." I introduce her to them.

One by one they introduce themselves and I see Oakley be a little suspicious of Ali as they shake hands.

Ali quickly springs into conversation with everyone and I excuse myself to go get a drink.

Oakley follows me into the kitchen.

"You are just going to let her waltz back into your life like this?" She questions as I drink the transparent liquid that is H2O.

"I trust her. As stupid as it sounds. I do."

She looks unsure before I speak up again.

"Please just give her a chance Oakley, for me." I beg.

"Fine." She nods, "But if she hurts you again, I will not hesitate in ripping her throat out." She states with a set jaw before walking back to join everyone.

I take a deep breath before running my hand through my hair and following the young hybrid.

Within minutes Ali has everyone in love with her. What can I say? She's charming.

She tells stories from when she went over seas to play soccer in Germany, showing us the tattoo she got while there.

It's in cursive script along her forearm spelling the word "Liebe" which means "love" in German.

She shares stories from her childhood, about her brother Kyle. With every word she speaks, everyone becomes more intrigued by her.

Eventually yawns break out in the room and we all decide to turn in for the night.

Christen invites Ali to stay the night so after I go through my night time routine, I crawl into bed next to the love of my life.

"Ash..." She says softly as she traces my inked skin.

"Yeah Al?" I ask back quietly.

"I never stopped loving you." She whispers.

My breath catches in my throat at the confession. I gulp slightly.

"I never stopped loving you either." I murmur.

She presses a soft kiss against the bare skin of my collarbone.

"I will love you until the end of time Ali Krieger." I whisper as we snuggle even more into each other.

Soon enough, our breathing evens out and I fall into a deep sleep. Dreaming about a certain brown eyed soccer player.

A/N:Ali and Ash in Rio as requested. Let me know what you guys think. -Kaycee

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