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*Hope POV* *Flashback*
(A/N: this is why Hope had blue eyes before she became an alpha)

"You can't be with her Hope. She's human, bringing her into this world will only hurt her."

"Then I'll turn her, Derek." I say with finality.

"You'll flip her world upside down just like that? That isn't love Hope, that's greed." He states.

I clench my jaw and bring my fist down on the table "I don't fucking care Derek! I have to have her."

"Fine, do as you please. But don't come to me when she resents you." He says before leaving.

I pull my phone out as I stand and search through my contacts until I find who I am looking for.

Once she picks up I smile immediately at her voice.

"Hey Paige, can you come over? I have something really important that I need to talk to you about." I say into the device.

"Yeah of course. I'll be there soon." She says.

"Stay safe babe." I tell her before hanging up.

After she arrives I sit her down in my living room and begin telling her all about my kind. What happens on full moons, about the heightened senses, everything.

Once I'm done she smiles slightly. "So you can turn me?" She asks.

I nod "If you want me to, yes I can."

She nods before holding her arm out. "Do it." She states.

My fangs come out as my eyes change and I sink my fangs into her forearm.

She winces before I release her arm and get back to normal.

"So what now?" She asks.

"The transition will be solidified this full moon. Then you'll be a full werewolf." I explain.

She nods "That's in a few more days, right?"

"Yeah, you'll want to go back home until the day of the full moon because you might not want to go home for a few days after." I inform her.

She smiles and nods before giving me hug then leaving.


It's the day of the full moon and I've spent the entire day with Paige. She has been complaining of stomach pains all day and I just tell her she's probably nervous.

The sun is beginning to go down so I take her out to my old family cellar.

After we are inside I lock the large metal gate and take her further in until we are met with a cement room with chains and claw marks littering the walls.

"You ready?" I ask.

She nods nervously.

I begin putting the chains on both of us as I feel my transition beginning.

I turn to the bag we brought clothes in and put the keys in one of the pockets.

"Hope...something is wrong." I hear Paige's uneasy voice.

"Babe relax, it's normal to feel weird right now." I try to help calm her nerves before I turn to see her with her back to me.

"No....something is really wrong." She says before turning to face me.

There's blood dripping from her mouth and nose except instead of the usual crimson red, it's jet black.

"No no no. This can't be happening." I begin shaking my head as I step towards her.

"What? What's happening Hope?" She asks worriedly.

"On very, very few occasions a humans body rejects the DNA of a wolf." I say as my voice cracks.

"So what does that mean?" She asks her face etched with fear.

"It results in death. A very slow and painful death." I say as I sink to the ground with my head in my hands.

She sits next to me and makes her way in between my legs with her back against my front.

"Hope. Before you fully transition I want you to kill me." She says with a shaky voice as I shake my head.

"No. No, I can't." I say as tears spill down my face.

"You have to baby." She whispers before turning to kiss me softly, the black substance smearing on my lips.

I feel it start beginning as she writhes in pain and my eyes change from their normal shade of blue to a bright golden color.

"Now Hope. Do it now." She whines in pain.

"I love you, Paige." I whisper with a shaky voice caused by the pain in my chest along with the ache of the transition.

"I love you, Hope." She whispers back.

Our first 'I love you'.

I take a deep breath with my arms around her, one around her head as I press a kiss to the top of it and hug her tightly.

Her fingers that are laced with mine on my other hand loosen as I feel and hear the pop of her neck snapping, ending her life.

I hold her tightly against me as my transition continues and my bright gold eyes change to electric blue. The pain of my bones breaking doesn't even measure to the pain of my heart being ripped from my chest.

I refuse to ever let myself fall in love again.

A/N: A little backstory on Hope, as per request

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A/N: A little backstory on Hope, as per request. Leave those comments below. Stay safe guys (: -Kaycee

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