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*Tobin POV*

We've been in California for a week. Mal called Jill Ellis and spoke to her about us joining the team. She said that she will bring some of the girls from the team to California to scrimmage against us to see if we basically are worthy of having a spot on the roster.

The girls and her will arrive in another week Mal told me so we have been practicing non-stop with her to make our skills sharper.

We just finished our workout for the day and we make our way back to the apartment we are renting.

After we all showered some of the girls went out to explore while Christen, Alex, Oakley and I stayed back.

Alex and Oakley are enthralled with a game of chess upstairs while Christen and I watch Stick It in the living room.

My eyes begin getting hard to keep open as my head falls back against the couch I'm on. I feel myself begin to doze off before my eyes snap open at pressure on my lap.

I lift my head to be face to face with Christen.

"What are you doing?" I hiss.

She smirks "Come on Toby I saw the way you were looking at me today."

I scoff "I was looking at Alex, thank you very much."

"Shame, because she was looking at Ashlyn." The girl on my lap smirks.

I furrow my eyebrows slightly "No she wasn't."

"Yes she was." The smirk stays on her mouth.

I sigh "Whatever." I lean back.

"Can you get off now?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Why would I do that when I can do this?" She asks before leaning in and pressing her lips firmly against mine.

My eyebrows raise in shock before I push her back.

"Christen stop." I state firmly.

I stand up causing her to fall on the ground.

"I love Alex." I tell her before walking to the bathroom and washing my mouth out.

Was Alex really looking at Ash today?

I think to myself as I walk into where her and Oakley are, leaning against the doorway.

"How's it going?" I ask.

"Great. I have won three games in a row." Alex smiles widely.

"Oh shut up." Oakley grumbles with a pout.

"Awww is someone upset they are losing?" Alex teases her daughter.

It's crazy how similar they look.

I smile at the two before walking to the kitchen to cook everyone dinner.


It's the day of the scrimmage and Mal,Hope,Kelley,Christen,Alex,Ali,Ashlyn and I arrive to the field thirty minutes early to warm up and prepare ourselves.

"They will have some of the players play with you guys so the teams are an even 11 to 11. Do not argue with anyone, do you understand?" Mal states looking at me and I raise my hands in innocence.

After we are warmed up the girls and coach show up.

I recognize Christie from when my body was hijacked because of the hybrid blood.

I exchange pleasantries with her before I hear the loud voice of a very short ex-pack mate.

I turn swiftly to see Kling sprinting towards us and she practically tackles me in a hug.

"I MISSED YOU TOBES!" She yells before we get up and she says 'Hi' to everyone else.

I notice Carli as well and hug her before the coach blows her whistle and we introduce ourselves.

"I will be adding four players to you guys because I want Mallory to play with the actual team. You girls will be playing with Christie, Meghan, Megan, and Becky. You will be playing against Mallory, Carli, Sydney, Heather, Samantha, Stephanie,Ashlyn, Amy, Julie, Morgan and Whitney." Jill informs us and at the mention of Julie's name I notice Christen tense.

I look up and sure enough, there is the peppy blonde that is Christen's mate.

"Any questions?" She asks.

Everyone shakes their head.

"Good. Abby and myself will be refereeing this game. Pick your captains and meet center field." She states before walking to the middle.

Everyone votes me as Captain so I meet at the center of the field with Carli and Jill.

"Heads or Tails, Tobin?" Jill asks me pulling a quarter from her pocket.

"Heads." I state as she flicks the coin and catches it before flipping it onto the back of her hand.

"Heads it is." She smiles, "Your team will start with ball. Remember to play rough but clean." She says before placing the ball at my feet.

The scrimmage starts with no points well into the first half.

I get the ball away from Stephanie and begin making my way up the field.

I nutmeg Julie with ease before I glance up seeing Alex making as cross into the box.

I send the ball in perfectly and she connects her head with it causing it to hit the back of the net.

She smiles and points at me "Nice pass Tobes."

The game continues with my team scoring twice more within fifteen minutes of our first goal. I can tell the other girls are getting frustrated.

I steal the ball again, this time from Sydney and begin up the field again.

I nutmeg Samantha and as I pass her she sticks her foot out, stepping on mine and shoves me hard from the side causing me to hit the ground hard.

I feel a crack in my ankle and yelp in pain as Jill blows her whistle and everyone jogs over as I roll onto my back and pull my leg up to my chest.

"What the hell Mewis?" I hear Meghan before I am helped up by Becky and Sydney.

"Yeah what was that Samantha?" Jill's voice cuts in.

"I I don't know I guess the frustration got the best of me." She rubs the back of her neck.

"I'm really sorry Tobin." She apologizes and I shrug.

"No worries." I smile.

"Well, I guess we should get back to it then?" I ask.

"No, no. I've seen enough." Jill states and I begin to worry.

"Any group of girls who can score not only once, but three times on my players deserves a slot on the roster and a jersey on their back. Congratulations girls, I will be seeing you in a month and a half for boot camp." She nods before walking off.

I turn to look at Mal and she squeals excitedly "You guys did it!" She smiles widely wrapping us all in hugs.

She goes off to talk to Oakley and Ashley who are standing on the sidelines as we disperse to take our boots off and get water.

"This calls for a celebration." Steph smirks before standing up and offering a hand to me.

We all agree and later that night we find ourselves walking the streets looking for a club.

A/N:WHOOOOOO I'm probably going to end this book soon. Let me know your thoughts fam -Kaycee

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