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I've evened out my sleeping schedule as much as possible over a span of a few days.

I'm currently standing in front of the hotel the team is supposed to be staying in with a duffel bag in one hand and the other slung over my shoulder.

I talked to Jill and she said that I was to meet them in the dining hall.

I take a deep breath before walking through the revolving door and setting my things down next to Hope's.

I walk into the dining hall to see the entire team chatting. At the opening of the door everyone's gaze moves to me.

Hope, Ashlyn, Meghan, Christen, Carli, Kelley and a few others wrap me into a group hug.

"Hey guys, miss me?" I smirk.

"Hell yes we missed you." Hope smiles before leading me over to her table.

I'm engaged in a lively conversation before I hear the door open again and turn my head to see Alex walk into the large room.

Her gaze locks with mine and she freezes causing a smirk to grow on my face. I turn back to a story Hope was telling seeing an empty seat across from mine.

Well it was an empty seat. Alex is now occupying it.

Jill stands and pulls everyone's attention to her.

"Welcome ladies. First of all, I would like to congratulate you all on earning your spot on the roster. Second of all, the roommate list is pinned by the door and you will be free to view it after dinner. If any of you have any questions feel free to ask. Now please enjoy your dinner then get some rest because we start training first thing tomorrow morning." She finishes up as waiters open the lids of the buffet and everyone begins filling their plates with food.

Once I am finished with my dinner I stand and make my way to the list.

I run my eyes over it and smirk slightly as I see Christen and Julie are roommates.

I see my name and move my eyes to see I'm rooming with Alex.

The smirk creeps back onto my lips as I walk out and grab my bags walking to the elevator and stepping inside.

Right before the doors close a perfectly manicured hand juts in, causing the doors to reopen.

I step aside letting Alex in and smirk as she shifts her weight uncomfortably. The doors close in front of us.

"Alex." I nod with the same smirk plastered on my face, turning my head to face her.

"Tobin." She squeaks.

"How have you been?" I question.

"G-Good and you?" Her raspy voice replies.

I ignore the tension between us.

"I've been great." I answer her as the elevator doors ding open and I step out walking to my room and opening the door with her following in my footsteps.

I set my bags on one of the two beds as she sets her things on the other.

The girls decide against doing anything too extensive considering training starts tomorrow. I chill in Hope's room for a bit before I realize it's 9:30. I make my way back to my room and walk in changing into sweats and leaving a shirt off so I'm in just a sports bra.

I drift to sleep with flashbacks of close friends and EDM music.

I wake up to Alex's voice.

"Tobin wake up. We have training in thirty minutes." She states firmly.

I roll myself out of bed and smirk as her eyes trail down my body.

"Like what you see?" I raise my eyebrow.

I change into shorts with soccer pants over them and a US Soccer training shirt. I don't bother with shoes as I grab my gear bag.

"Tobin where are your shoes?" Steph asks as I walk out of my room with Alex trailing behind.

"Life is too short to wear shoes my friend." I answer back and soon I'm on the bus heading to the stadium.

Once there we begin our workouts, including testing.

All the workouts are pretty easy for me because well I'm basically a superhuman.

I chuckle as Dead and Gone by T.I. comes on. Oh the likeness of my situation.

Once the beep test rolls around I smirk and line up next to everyone.

The first beep dings and everyone starts jogging slowly.

One by one people begin dropping out.

I'm on the 69th lap and it's just me and HAO.

I smirk to myself determined not to lose as we keep jogging back and forth.

She drops out at 72 and I finish at a solid 75.

Everyone cheers for us and we take a water break before coming into the huddle.

After we are dismissed we all head back to the hotel, shower, then attend team dinner.

Alex is still uncomfortable around me. Jeez hasn't she ever heard of manners?

Maybe I'll have to have a little talk with her about that.

After dinner her and I walk silently back to our room and go to bed in the same manner.

As I drift to sleep I become enveloped in dreams of smoke filled air and sweaty bodies on a dance floor.

A/N:Let me know what you guys think about Tobin's behavior. Stay safe guys. -Kaycee

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