Chapter ~3

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I walk down stairs and into the living room ,where my parents pull apart from a sloppy kiss. I always loved the fact that my parents are still in love with each other after eighteen years of marrige , two children and being CEO of a buissness. I never really thought about having that for myself ,all i need is myself and my music.

I walk over and wedge myself inbetween the two of them. My dad chuckles and my mom playfully rolls her eyes. My dad wraps his arms around my shoulders and my mom strokes my hair.

"You should wear your hair down more often bunny" my mom says with the smile that i've always loved "It makes you look older."

"Well in that case i think i should stick to my ponytail" i say

"I ageee," my dad says giving my shoulders a sqeeze "My little girl is already growing up so fast ,no need to try and look older."

"Are you worried about having an empty nest?" my brother ask walking into the living room "Cause i could always stay here."

"Oh no," my dad shakes his head "we need you gone A.S.A.P"

"Oh you know you love me," Teddy says walking over and sitting on my lap, before laying back and resting his head on my moms lap and his legs my dads earning a groan from me ,a chuckle from my dad ,and a swat on the forehead from my mom sending us all into a fit of hysterics.

I love when we have family moments like this. I love that i can be goofy with them. And i love that they can always make me laugh.

Taylor clears his throat in the corner of the room causing us all to look up. He tells my dad that the car is out front before dissapering. I shove Teddy off my lap ,but his reflexes are quick and his feet hit the ground stopping him from falling on the floor and he stands up straight smoothing out his black blazer. I stand and do the same, smoothing out my dress.

I smile to myself and follow my parents out the front door. I see James ,one of our newer security gaurds, get out of the driver seat of a sleek black range rover. I look over to see Teddy's face break out into the biggest grin ive ever seen. I look over to my parents ,dad smirks at Teddy ,and my mom shakes her head and walk to the back seat before sliding in. She never really spoiled us, my dad couldn't help it though. So of Course this is the third car that they got Teddy.

"Really?" Teddy asks , his voice squeaking making him sound like a three year old child.

"Yes," my dad nods "but if you wreck this one... thats it." he walks over to the back seat sliding in beside my mother ,and Taylor closes their door before opening the passenger door for me to get in. I watch as Teddy runs excitedly to the Drivers side ,and i walk over and slide into the passenger seat. When Taylor closes mby door the lights in the car start to dim until it is completly dark. My parents are hidden my the darkness ,and Teddy's face is illuminated by the blue light of the dash board.

Teddy wastes no time. We are out of the driveway and on the street in a matter of seconds. Usually my dad would be telling him to slow down ,but he seems to ne busy since every now and then i hear giggling from my mother ,and his hushed whispers.

I reach and turn on the radio flicking through the different stations until i land on one thats playing taylor swift blank space. I start to sing along.

"Aint it funny rumors fly and i know you heard about me so hey lets be froends i'm dieing to see how this one so grab your pass port and my hand."

"I can make the bad boys good for a weekend" my brother joins in turning up the radio ,and we start to sing together.

"So its gonna be forever! Or its gonna go down in flames! You can tell me when its over! If the high was worth the pain! Got a long listof ex lovers! They'll tell you i'm insane! Cause you know i love the players! AND YOU LOVE THE GAME! cause we're young and we're reckless! we'll take this way too far! It'll leave you breathless! or with a nasty scar! got a long listof ex lovers! they'll tell you i'm insane! BUT I GOT A BLANK SPACE BABY AND I'LL WRITE YA NAME!"

                                                                                              . ° . * . ° .

Dinner is running smoothly, i've choosen not to talk to Ava ,but i have been making conversation with aunt Kate. We've been talking about the music scene ,and she knows a lot since she's a entertainment journalist. My dad shoots me an dissaproving look when aunt kate says that she knows a club bouncer that will look the other way so i can meet a dj/producer. He also raises an eyebrow at me and gives a pointed look at my plate that was had vegie tofu on it. I had picked at it but i didn't really have an appetite.

Not wanting to get my dad angry i pick up my chopsticks and take a bite. My aunt Kate stops mid sentence and twist up her mouth.

"I still dont understand how you eat that." she says looking at my food.

"What do you mean?" i ask before taking another bite and out the corner of my eye i see my dad finnaly look away from me and continue his conversation with mom and uncle elliot. "It's healthier than that." I say nodding her and everyone elses plate of lobster and a butter dipping sause.

"In my opinion being vegan is not a healthy diet," she says taking a sip of wine "It's starving yourself"

"Oh leave her alone " my aunt Elliot pipes up defending me "It's better for her, and the enviorment."

"Thank you uncle elliot." I say shooting him a thankful grin and aunt Kate playfully sticks out her tung.

My phone vibrateson my and i look down to see that its a text from Ava.

can we talk???

what is there to talk about?

I see her get my message ,and she gives me apleading look. I sigh and stand up excusing my self saying that i have to use the restroom. I walk down the hall and to the powder room passing all the'icyures of me, Ava ,and Teddy , Sophies even a few of them. Once i get to the powder room , Ava pops up a few seconds later.

She walksinto thepowder room and closes the door behind her , and I hoist myself onto he counter. She walks over and sits on the edge of the bath tub.


"I'm sorry," she says and it sounds like she really means it "You tottaly took what i said in the wrong way, I didn't mean you were a bad influence or anything. Its just that ,thats the same thing that his parents said."

"Huh?" i say confused

"Justin and i used to be good friends , we met at eighth grade summer camp and then we started at Boward together freshman year, but then when hisparentsmetme they said they didn't want me around their son ,because all i would do os corrupt him . Which tottaly isn't true."

"So," i say trying to understand "Your bassically just saying that because his parents thought that you would corrupt him, that they'll think the same of me."

"no no no no," she says quickly shaking her head "I was just blurting things out. I wasn't thinking of what i was saying."

"I'm just kidding" i chuckle jumping off the counter and going to hug her "We were both at fault, i shouldnt have gotten mad so easily."

She gets up and we hug and start laughing at each other. I can't stay mad at her for long ,we were like best friends growing up.

We pull apart after alight tapping on the door ,and my mothers soft voice asking if we were all right.

"Yeah" we both call at the same time. and then started laughing some more.

A/N~ Omg sorry that i took forever to update guys! This chapter is kinda just a filler to get some cute family moments. I've just been having a lot of writers block with YWNK and yeah, but the next chapter is done just let me edit and i'll post it in a couple of minutes. I'm also gonna updat YWNK in a few too.

p.s~ did you guys get the viva glam colors? I go the lipstick .but the gloss just dosen't look good on me so i gave it to my sister. but you guys should really buy it!!( its such a great cause)

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