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"It's a very big place you have here" Justin says out of nowhere.

I look around from where i'm standing, at the sink doing dishes, Justin's sitting at the bar watching me, and Sophie and Teddy are up in the theater room choosing a movie.



"It's big." there's no arguing with that. It's more than ten thousand square feet.

I turn of the water of the sink and dry my hands on a dish towel thinking about his living conditions.

"Do you play?" He says looking at the piano




"Of course you do. Is there anything you can't do well?"

"Have i done something to make you assume i'm a perfectionist?"

He shakes his head.

"Do you want to sit?" I gesture toward the couch and a Brisk nod tells me that he does.

He follows me over and once i sit down he sits next to me giving me an impish look.

"Whats so funny?" I ask

"why did you kiss me?"

"I told you," I stiffen up "It seemed like a good thing to do at the moment."

"Is that all" He pushes

"It seemed appropriate..." I don't want to tell him the real reason, because truth is i don't know it myself. " What? do you want some impossibly romantic tale about how i was just drawn to you like a magnet and about how i've wanted to kiss you since i've first laid eyes on you?"

"Sounds nice." he nods his approval

"and fake."

"Could be true."


"Just a little?"


He raises his hands in defeat.

I fight back a grin. I enjoy our small one-worded battles.

"Wanna go upstairs with my brother and Sophie?" I ask filling the silence

"Not really." he says nonchalantly

"Well then... " i'm confused "What do you wanna do?"

"Lets watch something, Just the two of us." he throws out and i'm caught by surprise.

He wants to spend alone time with me?

"Sure." I stand up "Be right back."

I walk over to the stairs and take them two at a time. I walk past the master bed room, and one of the guest bedrooms before stopping in front of the theater door. I push it open to see My brother and Sophie in the middle of a heated make out session on the floor. I snap my fingers ,and they literally jump apart. Once they realize that its only me Teddy's look of fear turns to anger.


"Nobody told you two to have a make out session in a public area. " I sass "But believe it or not i didn't come up here to interrupt i came to see where you two were sleeping."

"Down stairs." Sophie says adjusting her bra under her shirt.

I scrunch up my face in confusion seeing that the master bedroom is upstairs and the guest room is down stairs.

Fifty Shades of JarianaWhere stories live. Discover now