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I'm in Justins car and we're on our way to his house so he can pick up some clothes. The original plan was for him to meet us at Escala but my idiot brother forgot to come and pick me up. And even though i'm acting like i'm beyond upset with my brother, i'm secretly happy that he has a one track mind and forgot to pick me up. Because if he hadn't i wouldn't be sitting in Justins car on the way to his house.

Justins car is a toyota corola, a typical teenage car ,and its nice too ,its Just not something i would drive. I start to wonder if i'm spoiled ,because i have a pearl white range rover waiting for me in the garage. I look around the tan interior of the car and see that justins a bit messy, his entire car is littered with CD's. He had to throw a dozen of them in the back seat in order for me to get in. There are also tons of ripped out pieces of notebook paper everywhere. I pick up one and see a bunch of diffrent song lyrics. Some are crossed out but i can make out most of them.

I like how your eyes complementing your hair the way that them jeans fit is makin me stare promise i'll be here forever i swear kissin on your neck while you love me like you do what am i too do when you love me like you do.

Love me like you do love me like its new love me like theres nothin left to loose hop up in the benz if you tranna cruise hop up in the bead baby if you tranna snooze.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" he had to be writing this about a specific someone and i was angry that it wasn't me.

"No," he cast a quick glance my way before focusing back on the road "why?"

because i want to know whos neck your kissing on.

"I was just wondering" i say nonchalantly.

"I think that you should've asked eairler," he says "Y'kmow? before you decided to kiss me."

"Now wheres the fun in that?" i say trying to play it cool when i'm really embarased.

"I could have had some, crazy pittbull girlfriend." he chuckles "You could have been a gonner."

"I seriously doubt that you would date a pittbull."

"You know what i mean," he pauses for a moment "but seriously...why did you kiss me?"

"Seemed like a good thing to do a the moment." i shrugged.

"Fair enough."

I look up to see that we are parked.

"Be right back" he says getting out of the car and slamming the door.

I look out the window and at his house. There's dirt in the place of grass. The cement in the driveway is so cracked i'm suprised to see that his tires are still in tact. The house itself is an off-yellowish color and the structure of it is terrible. It looks like the tinniest wind storm can blow this house to rubble. I instantly feel terrible that he has to live like this. I wonder how much of a spoiled brat he thinks i am. i mean we're going to a penthouse for christ sake.

. ° . * . ° .

I tell Justin the entrance code to the garage at Escala and I tell him where to park once we made it inside. He parks the car and shifts to look at me after turning the car off. I look back at him and smile to lighten the mood.

"Are we just gonna sit in here all day?" I say opening my door and hopping out with my large pink tote slung over my soilder.

I start over towards the service elevator with Justin on my heels. The smooth steele doors slide open and we step into the luxurious wood interior elevator. I start to think about the story my mom told me about her first kiss with my dad. It was in this elevator ,and if itcwasn't for that kiss she probably would have never been with my dad. I type in the pin for the penthouse and the doors slide shut.

I look over at justin and he's the palest shade of white i've ever seen. He grips onto the steele railing so hard his knuckles turn white ,his eyes are closed and you can see that he's breathing heavier than usual because his chest is litterally heaving up and down. I guess someone dosen't like elevators. I'm no better, I probably look like a dying animal trying to keep in my laughter.

The elevator finnaly comes to a hault ,and the doors slide open. I look over and see that justin has vissibly relaxed. I walk into the foyer of the familiar penthouse i spent most of my childhood weekends at. I walk down the two steps and something hits my foot ,i look down to see a black stiletto. I continue to scan my eyes across the floor to see the remains of sophies outfit from this morning on the floor, along with my brothers black nikes and tanktop.

"Are we interrupting something?" justin asks from beside me ,also looking at the path of clothes.

"Nah," i wave it off dropping my bag on the floor and walking into the kitchen. "And if we were who cares right?"

I reach to open the cabint over the stove which contains a bottle of brandy, some vodka and margarita mix ,and several bottles of wine. I grab the vodka and margarita mix and set it on the counter before closing the cabinets. Opening the last cabinetvi pull out four margarita glasses and I look up to see that justin has taken a seat at the bar and is looking down at his phone.

"Would you mind doing me a favor?" i ask setting the rest of my ingedients on the counter

"Sure," he says setting his phone down on the counter and walking around the bar to stand next to me.

"Will you cut thease into wedges?" i reach in the drawer and produce a knife. Ibwatch as he starts to cut the first lime ,and once i see that he knows what hes doing i go to the fridge and fill the blender pitcher ip with ice. I mesure out the margarita mix and voldka before snapping on the lid and pressing the blend button. I turn it off after about a minute and walk over to see that justin is finished cutting up the limes. I pick up two of the wedges and squeeze them onto the cutting borad ,and i spinkle salt before rubbing my hand on the board to mix the two. I twisted the top of all the glasses around in it so they all had salt on the rim ,and then i come and pour the margaritas in the glasses.

As if on cue ,my brother walks out shirtless and sophie comes out in basket ball shorts and a spots bra. If the cloths hadn't already given them away their appearence would have, my brother had a number of hickies on his chest and neck and sophies hair looked like a literal rats nest.

"Hey baby makers," I joke "this is justin. justin this is my brother and soon to be sister in law."

"Nobodys gonna be an in law anytime soon" sophie pipes up sitting on the stool next to sophie

"Could be sooner than you think" he says pecking sophie on the cheek making her blush "oooo did my favorite sister make us margaritas?"

"I can't be your favorite sister if i'm your only sister." i point out before sliding a margarita infront of Justin and Sophie.

"Whatever" he says picking up a margarita and taking a sip.

Pic of Teddy whos played by Cameron Dallas

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