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The bell rings signaling the end of fourth period. I gather my stuff and shove it into my black coach backpack. I move with the rush of kids through the hallway and towards the quad. When the group reaches the end of the hallway everyone goes their different ways. Some going to get lunch, some to find a place to sit, and others to find their friends.

I go to the coffe cart and order a green tea before going to my seat by the fountain from yesterday. After i sit down i pull out my phone. I scoll through my instagram feed while i sip my tea. When my instagram gets boring i open my snap chat and look through the stories of my old friends and think about how much i miss them. I feel someone staring at me and I look up to see none other than Justin standing over me.

"Now didn't i tell you that the coffe cart at this school is not good for you?" he says pointing an acusing finger at me

"It's tea" i say locking my phone and setting it on the wall beside me.

"Dosen't matter," he says sitting next to me " and i think i told you that too."

"Taste fine to me," i say shrugging

"They dont even put sugar in it." he points out

"I don't even put sugar in my tea."

"Okay" he says putting his hands up in defeat "You win."

I shrug and take another long sip of my tea ,and he shudders in discust.

"I have a question," he says

"I might have an answer." i respond gripping my cup with both hands.

"What's with the whole sweater and gogo boots look?"

I look down at my outfit which consists of a gray sweater dess with a white stripe at the bottom ,and my white knee high boots.

"I just like comfy sweaters" i explain "And this morning i forgot my shoes that i had picked out for today in my room ,and thease were already downstairs since i wore them yesterday. Whats it to you?" i ask wondering why i fealt the need to explain myself to a boy that i just met yesterday.

"Oh nothing, i was just curious ,but it looks good on you."

Did he really just say that? I feel my cheeks getting hotter. I look up at him, and he is kind of cute.Hell who am i kidding he's hot. He litterally looks as if he's off the cover of a magazine. His eyes are these perfect brown orbs. His hair perfectlly quiffed on top of his head. His smile is the biggest ,and whitest i've ever seen in my life. And his voice just sounds so perfect, the way he rolls his words is so intoxicating. I wonder if he can sing? I can just see the lyrics of a sexy song rolling off those full lips of his. They look so kissable ,i just want to bite his lip ,and let my tung roll around in his mouth. I wonder what he tastes like.

Breaking all of the rules that i have ever made for boys, I lean forward and press my lips to his. I resist biting his lips ,or having a wrestling match with his tung since we are in public, but its still the best kiss i've ever had. His lips ,which are now moving against mine , are the softest i've ever fealt.

I pull away and look at him. His eyes are still closed and he is panting as if he's out of breath ,but i know he's not. I just took him by suprise.

I get up and walk towards my locker just as soon as the bell rings leaving mustin in his daze. I hope he dosen't try and catch up to me ,but even if he dose he won't be able to due to all the other kids on their way to class.

I walk into my class going to the back and sitting in the same seat that i did yesterday. Its not long before that sparkly pink notebook is being slapped onto the table beside me. I don't bother to look up , instead i start to take out my Mac book and power it on.

And when ava finnaly does start talking i'm not listening, and i'm still not listening when the teacher stands in the front of the class and tells us what sound editing program to open. I'm not listening because i'm thinking. Thinking about the way his lips fealt against mine. Anout how I fealt his breath pass through my lips. Anout how he tasted as good as he looks. About wanting him to come home with me. About wanting to do things to him. Things that a sixteen year old shouldn't even know about.

. °. * . ° .

When the bell for sixth period rings i'm sitting by the door ,so i am the first out of the classroom. I speed walk to my locker,as the halls are slowly filling and it always get super crowded in the area by my locker making it hard to get anything in or out of it. I'm walking so fast that i'm not even paying attention, and i when i get to my locker i didn't notice that Justin had been standing there waiting for me. And even though he's the last person i want to see ,my heart flutters a little at the sight of him.

"Hey," i say putting in my locker combination "Whats up?"

"Oh um you forgot this" he says reaching in the pocket of his pants and pulling out my phone.

"Oh my gosh!" I shriek "Thamk You so much!"

I grab my phone ,and see a missed call from my brother.

Justin and i start to walk to the parking lot. I call my brother back and he answers on the second ring.

T: Guess what?

A: what?

T: mom and dad are leaving for the weekend

A: okay?

T: and they're takeing the entire security detail.

A: Lies!

T: Nope and i was thinking that we spend it at Escala... Sophie and i are getting groceries right now

A: YAAAAS, hold on okay.

I press the mute button and turn to Justin.

"What are you doing this weekend?" i ask

"I was gonna work on my music, why?"

"Okay so basically my parents are out of town and me ,my brother ,and his girlfriend are gonna end the weekend at our penthouse at Escala. You should come, If you wanna work on your music ,you can do it there we have a recording studio."

"You want me to come and sepnd a weekend with you at your penthouse ,after only knowing you for two days?"

"Sure why not?"

A /N~ Okay so this chapter is way too short but... hear me out.

I love this book so much you guys will get at least one update everyday ,but as much as i've been writing they'll probably be two or three. And i promise they will be longer than this. And i'm so excited for you guys to be reading this because i want you to know whats going through my head... and that sounds wierd but... if you write you'll get it.

p.s: did you guys get my refrence to boys like you?

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