Chapter 5: Retail Therapy

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Chapter 5


When I find the mall (after being lost for a minuet) I drive into the parking garage and get a ticket. I find a park on the second floor and cut off the life to my car. Once I'm inside of the mall I completely shop til I drop. I have bags from all kinds of stores and I bought all kinds of outfits. I finally have something to wear.

I get back to my car and pop open the trunk of my car. I stuff all of my bags in there, close the trunk and unlock my doors to get in. When I start the engine I look to back out of my spot. I pull up to the toll and give the man my ticket with 3 dollars for my two hours here.

I feel so much better now, even a little relieved. I just absolutely love doing a little retail therapy. It makes me feel better. It lets me get away from whatever it is that can be bothering me at the time. My first day at this school was a little bit too hectic for me!

I blast my music the whole ride home not really looking forward to completing my hour of homework sitting in my bag or to finish unpacking.

I round my car into the driveway and put the car in park, shutting off the engine. I turn off the radio and let out a breath before turning the car off and opening up my door. I reach over to the passenger side to pick up my school bag and turn to get out of the car.

Once I got all of my shopping bags out of the trunk I make my way to the porch. I unlock the front door and walk into the house going straight for the stairs.

I dump all of my bags onto my bed and go downstairs. I find my way to the kitchen and go to the fridge. I see a note on it tell me what I could've guessed. My mom is staying late at work. She's a lawyer so she stays late a lot of days.

I finish eating my ham sandwich and throw my plate in the trash. I head back upstairs and go in my room to finish my homework. When I'm done I put all my new clothes away and finish unpacking. It's around ten when I finish everything. I change into my pjs and walk downstairs (I'm kind of getting tiered of these stairs now). I watch about an hour of tv before I turn it off and decide to go to bed.

I have a little trouble sleeping at first. I keep on thinking of my dad and big brother. I really miss them. When I do finally fall asleep I can't help from dreaming of Jace. I don't know why. He was just on my mind from all of the brief encounters we had yesterday.

Ugh Cassidy get him out of your head!

He's a jerk! He has a girlfriend and he tried to come on to you. You cannot like him. Even if he did look really hot with his perfect chocolate brown hair and his hazel eyes. Those strong arms and amazing cheekbones and gorgeous face.

Nonono! You seriously need to stop with this boy.


In the morning I put the windows down to my car and completely blast the music. I get really in to the music. I need to clear my head and music can help with that.

I stop by a 7-eleven on my way wanting a donut and some coffee. I get to the school and walk up the stairs and throw my trash away before walking into the building.

I make my way to my locker. Hearing the bell ring I walk into calculus only to see that Jace is in 'his seat' that I took from him yesterday. I sit in the seat next to him that he was in yesterday. As soon as I sit down I let out a huge huff and slam my books down. Jace looks at me and says, "Something wrong?"

I look at him and give my fakest smile ever and say, "Noooo," sarcastically.

"Thanks for the seat back."

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