Chapter 9: Why You Gotta Make Things So Complicated?

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Okay I'm like so sorry for the long wait. I was going through depression and if you know what that's like it can be a real pain and make you not want to do anything. But I'm better now so I tried to make this longer because of the wait. It's not all that but it helps me get into the chapters to come better. So I'm gonna stop talking not and let you read. Please comment and vote!

Enjoy loves!

Chapter 9


When I get to school, I walk around the back to go to the courtyard. Lace is always in the courtyard in the morning and I need to tell her about my date yesterday. What's best about the courtyard is not that many people are in it during the morning. I don't really want to make any more friends. I just want to keep to myself until I graduate but I have Lace that I can keep to myself with.

The whole time I'm telling Lace what happened on my date she was screaming. I'm surprised that my ears are still attached to my head. She really couldn't believe how easy going Jace was on the date since she knew him longer and he always came off as a hard guy. He always acted like the bad boy everyone trumped him up to be. I was careful not to tell her about the things Jace wanted to keep between him and myself.

The bell rings. Lace and I walk inside the school through the side doors. We say bye to each other and go our separate ways to our first period class. Getting to calculus is a shorter walk since I walked in through the side doors.

I walk into class to find only a couple of students are here already. Jace isn't here yet so I can sit in my/his seat (it's always confusing talking about this seat). I decide to sit at the desk next to it for some reason. I'll give him the satisfactory of that seat...just for today.

Jace walks in and when I see him at the front of the room I give him a closed mouth smile. I can feel my dark blue eyes light up a bit and I can't believe that I'm feeling this way towards a boy that I just met. But there's just is something about him.

He walks over and sits down. He turns towards me saying, "I have to talk to you later." It sounds pretty serious by how he rushed out to say it. My heart starts to speed up and I feel blood rushing to my cheeks but I'm trying to control it. I don't know why it's happening but I just feel nervous now. Like he's about to tell me something I really don't want to hear and I'm going to be the stupid blonde for being his fresh meat and falling for his trap.

"Okay," I try to say as evenly as possible. I know you can't really mess up saying okay but you'd be surprise where you could go wrong with that word. He turns to face forward and then the teacher starts the class as the late bell goes off.


I get to study hall and see Jace already sitting down at the table. I walk up and take the seat next to him. He looks up at me and licks his lips and then I'm brought back to our kiss yesterday. But that's short lived as he says, "Hey, so umm, can you pick up Jaden today? If you can't that's fine just..."

I stop him before he could finish. I could tell he was about to start rambling on so I wanted to save him the trouble. "Yeah. Sure, I can pick him up."

"Really? Thanks," he says almost shocked. I guess he's surprised that I was serious when I said I would help out with his little brother if he needed me to.

"Okay, well he just goes to the elementary school down the street. Then you could just drop him off at my place. Alright? I'll be home a little later."

"Yeah, okay. You don't want me to stay with him til you get back?"

"Naww, he'll be okay."

"How old is he?"

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