Chapter 4: The New Girl

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Chapter 4


I put the kickstand down from my motorcycle, stand up and take off my helmet. I hate this stupid school. Who even came up with this idea of school? That person deserves a serious slap in the face!

I walk up to the stairs of the school looking for Collin. He's most likely making out with some girl in the parking lot. I sit on the top step and talk to some of the boys. We just talk mostly about our weekend and girls.

Where is Collin? I need to talk to him about something.

I look out to parking lot for the thousandth time trying to see if Collin is coming. When I do, I see a new car pulling up in the park next to my motorcycle. It's a nice ride. I wouldn't mind taking that car to my spot to race it. I love drifting and that's a good drift car.

It's a Dodge Charger, I would prefer a different color than red but I still like it. I stare at the car more, wondering whose it is. I've never seen that car around here before. The driver gets out of the car and to my surprise it's a girl. What surprised me even more was that she wasn't wearing the short skirts and stuff that all the girls around here wear. I respect her for just wearing jeans but I wouldn't be complaining if she showed a little more.

She walks up to the steps and everyone is watching her. She's hot; I'll give her that any day. I heard one of the boys say, "I'm hitting that." I just roll my eyes. I can't tell who she is. Maybe she's a new girl. I hope I have a class or two with her. I need an excuse to talk to her without sounding like a jerk.

She looks in her bag for something then lets out a mad breath. It was a little unnecessary but she still continues to walk up the steps. She walks through the door and all of the boys start leaning their heads to the side to look at her ass. I'm not going to lie, I looked too. Not as long as everyone else though mainly because Ashley comes over to me. She glares at me. I guess she saw me looking at that girl. Okay, okay I was sort of kind of checking her out.

"You boys are disgusting! Don't you have somewhere to be?" Ashley says to all of the boys. I roll my eyes at her. This is what I needed to talk with Collin about. Most girls I "date" understand when I stop putting in an effort to talk to you or don't talk to you. We are done! You need to move on because I know I already done moved on! Ashley here doesn't understand that though. So I have to break up with her even though we were never really together. Again, why I need to talk to Collin.

As all of the boys start to get up so we can talk she says, "So, baby, I have been thinking about us and," she eludes to the next thing she is going to say by holding on to the word 'and,' "I think you should meet my parents." I give her the 'are you crazy' look. I don't even want to be around this chick anymore and she is trying to get me to meet her parents. Seriously? I've only been seeing her for a week.

I open my mouth and say, "No!" I think she was taken a little back by how bluntly I said it but I'm not meeting her parents.

"Oh c'mon! Why not?" she asks me. I need to get away from her as soon as possible because I can't do this. My head is already somewhere else (and no not that place else) and I can't even bother to listen to anything else that comes out of her mouth. Then I hear the bell ring.

Saved by the bell.

I get up and so does Ashley. I tell her, "I'll talk to you later," and open the door to go to my locker.


I walk into my first period class and look to see some girl sitting in my seat. Then I realize that it's the same girl everyone was checking out outside. Thank you. I have a class with her.

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