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"Ahh, I don't know, Reika. Are you sure it's okay to spy on their date?" Hoishi asks as she fixes her fake glasses that is part of her disguse. The blonde was nervous about the fact that they were spying their best friend's date since she felt like they were intruding someone's privacy.

Reika smiles and replies."Of course, keep your voice down low cause we don't want them to hear us."

"They're not here yet! It's only ten forty-seven!" She points at her watch.

"...oh, right."

Apparently, Reika wants to spy on her brother and best friend's date and she got Hoishi involved. Poor girl, she just wanted to relax on this fine Saturday but Reika forced her to come with her since she doesn't want to spy on her own.

"My Saturday is wasted and it's all because of you..." Hoishi slams her head on the table, startling the people near them.

"Don't worry, it will be worth all the trouble and besides you won't have to pay anything all since I'm going to buy you a cake!" Reika tries to bribes the blond.

Her ears perked and she looked up on her. "What kind of cake?"

"Red velvet." Reika says with a smirk.

Before Hoishi can reply, Reika shushes her as she points at the door. They covered half of their faces using the menu and took a quick peek. They saw their best friend wearing a simple but cute outfit; perfect for a date. (First Name) looks around, hoping to find her date that Reika set up. She was disappointed that no one called out her name so she decides to sit down and wait. A waitress walks towards her table and gave her a menu, (First Name) thanked her and began scanning the menu.

'Gah, when will he arrive?' Reika thought and frowns, she unlocked her phone to check the time and saw that it was almost ten o'clock. Before she can pull her hair out of frusturation, a person walked inside the cafe. It was her brother. Reika covered her mouth and squealed in delight while Hoishi just face-palmed at her.

Kageyama lazily looks around and saw a familiar face. He was confused that why would she come here alone when she can hang-out with his sister or the other girl whose name he had forgot. He walks towards her and calls out her name.

(First Name) heard her name being called out and found that Kageyama is walking towards her.

"Kageyama?" she says his name with a confused tone. "What are you doing here? I thought that you would be practicing with the team right now." She places the menu down so she can properly talk to him.

"My sister forced me to go on a date with some girl and besides the gym is being used by the basketball club. We're going to use it tomorrow." Kageyama says the reason as he can properly recall what his sister had texted him while he was going here.

(_ _)○O Flashback (_ _)○O

"Mom, I'm going out." Kageyama says to his mom and she replies with a hum. He kisses her cheek before he went out of the house. He just got out of the house and he recieved a text from his sister, who was currently visiting Hoishi (not really XD).

From: Little Sister

If you bail on this date, I will bury every single volleyball related materials that you have, You got that?! okay have fun :)

(_ _)○O Flashback (_ _)○O

Just what did he deserve to have a little sister whose much scarier than his captain when angered.

"Ah, Reika-chan forced you to go on a date too?" (First Name) questions.

"Wait, why did you say 'too'?" Kageyama points out.

It took a few seconds for them to realize something was up.

"You're my date?"They say at the same time, shocking them.

Hoishi could properly hear them talk since their voices were quite loud. She asked Reika, "Hey wait a minute, you didn't say that who their dates were?"

"...Oops, I forgot."

Tobio is the elder twin while Reika is the younger twin. Sorry, I forgot to mention but I have this headcanon that Tobio has this twin who is the complete opposite of him. Hope you won't mind.

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