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(First Name) felt speechless when he said that she was beautiful; the half of her thinks this is a joke but she knows fully that the eldest Kageyama does not know how to make a joke, literally. She searched for any sign of mischief in his eyes but she didn't.

"Thank you, I never expected for you to say that." (First Name) replies as she shyly fixes her hair.

"Well, I'm just telling the truth." Kageyama shrugs as if it was nothing but in the inside; he was freaking out.

The waitress went to their table and served them with what they ordered. (First Name) happily sipped her drink while Tobio stared at her as if he was admiring her little features which made Reika suspicious.

"Hey, do you think my brother's acting a little weird?"

Hoishi swallows the chewed up cake and replies. "Nope, I think he's just too awkward."

"Yeah, I guess so.."

"For once, you're not being a tsundere." (First Name) teased once more before she takes another sip on her drink.

Kageyama stopped drinking his hot chocolate and answers with a slight blush on his face." I'm not a tsundere, dammit."

After the little cafe date, Kageyama asked her where do they go next. (First Name) replied. "To the arcade!"


"Cause videogames are cool!" (First Name) replies with a big grin on her face and grabs his hand while walking towards the arcade.

Fortunately, the arcade wasn't that crowded so they continued. They played a lot of games like shooting games and such which ended (First Name) winning many times and Tobio on some ocassions. The two got tired and passed by a machine filled with adorable stuffed animals and anime characters, it caught (First Name)'s eye. She stopped and grabbed a part of Kageyama's shirt which caused him to stop.

"What?" He looked at the direction of where (First Name) was looking and sweatdropped.

'What is this woman thinking, Why does she want a bunch of these stuffs when she can buy herself a lot of meat buns?'

"Wow, I want this stuff toy! It's so cute~" She says with a smile and dragged him with her. "Can you get it for me please?"

"It's just a stuffed toy."

"How cold of you, I thought that you would actually get it for me." (First Name) makes a sad face which made him feel guilty deep inside.

"F-fine, it's not like you made me feel guilty..." Kageyama replies. "Which one would you like?"

'Tsundere.' (First Name) thought as she looks for the stuff toy that she really wants. She found a (whatever you want) stuff toy which looked really (cute, cool, ect..)

"I want that one!" She points at the near end inside of the glass."Can you get it?"

Kageyama looks at the direction of where she was pointing. "Ah, sure."

He mentally promised himself that if he fails to get the prize then he will do the chicken dance right infront of the entire team. So, he focused and avoided all the distraction such as the loud music coming from the other games, the chattering of the people, and so on, so forth.

He slowly moves the crank towards the prize. (First Name) crosses both of her fingers, hoping that he would win. Small beads of sweat dropped on his forehead, his blue eyes following on the crank's movement. Then he stopped moving the crank and slowly he presses the bright, red button.

The crank slowly moves downwards to the stuff toy's direction. Their breaths hitched when they saw that it grabbed the specific stuff toy, when it slowly came up. They both mentally prayed that they would get it, the both of them almost screamed when the stuff toy was falling.

'No, no, nooo!!'  Kageyama yells mentally as he grips both sides of the machine while the girl was gritting her teeth in order to keep quiet but failed.

"Come on, you can make it!!" (First Name) yells at the almost falling stuffed toy.

In the end, the crank drops the stuff toy to the GRAB YOUR PRIZE hole. They both cheered in joy, they were hugging each other as if they defeated a level 100 boss.


"IT- NO DEAL BIG WAS!?" Kageyama once again, yells awkwardly.


"Hey, let's play this!" The cheery female drags Kageyama to a game that he feared the most, a dancing game. He may be flexible when it comes to volleyball but when it comes to moving to the groove, he's as TWICE as awkward as he was.

"No, thanks.." Kageyama politely declines the offer which dissapointed (First Name).

"Alright.. I will play on my own. Please, hold my purse and my prize." She smiles as she gives her purse to him and stretches her arms. "Let's do this thing."

She inserts the coin inside of the machine and presses the start button. She chose the song of her choice and selects it. The music was blasting through out the speakers and a small crowd begins to form, surrounding and watching her with her every move.

"She's quite good." one of the people in the crowd whispers to her companion, who just nods in reponse.

Not a single move was wasted, in fact she always gets a perfect at every combo move which impressed the crowd. When the song ends, A big grin was plastered on her face when she saw a five gold stars on the screen. The crowd applaudes and then they slowly went to their separate ways.

"Did ya see that, Kageyama?! I got five gold stars!" She skips towards him while she hugged him.

Her head resting on his chest, enjoying the warmth of his body. Kageyama panicks and it took a couple of seconds to adapt that this girl likes skinship. "You're so warm and snuggable~"

"And you were incredible." Kageyama mutters. He smiles and pats her hair.

"Hmm?" (First Name) looked at him with a smile on her face.

"Nothing! Let's just go!"

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