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Most of the ".5" will now mostly focus on Reika and Hoishi's point of view and maybe a few characters in the future.


Reika and Hoishi were having the time of their lives; playing games of their choice, having little dancing and singing contests for no reason and so much more. The only person was missing out all of the fun was (Full Name) but they promised each other that they would repay her.

"I wish (First Name) was here." Hoishi sighs in a sad tone as she paused their game.

"Speaking of (First Name), do you know how they met with Tobio-nii?" Reika asks since she had been asking (First Name) for a while now but she easily gets flustered and changes into another topic that would distract her.

In other words; she couldn't reply.

"What?!" Hoishi shouts in surprise. "She didn't tell you, how?!"

"She couldn't reply." Reika deadpans and grabs a pillow beside her for her to cuddle.

"That's why.." Hoishi claps her hands. "Sooo, what happened was..."

(_ _)oO Flashback (_ _)oO

"C'mon, we're going to be late!" (First Name) cries as she pulls Hoishi away from the bakery. She told her brothers to go on with out them but boy, what a huge mistake she did. Hoishi has some serious sweet tooth problem and when they passed by a bakery then that's when the hell beings.

"NOOOO! I want cream puff!" Hoishi lets out a battle cry and tries to get away to buy a cream puff or three. Struggling but she failed.

"We're going to be late... Ugh, Hoishi! STOP struggling too much!" (First Name) says and noticed that someone was behind them.

She looked behind her and made eye-to-eye contact with him. (First Name) couldn't notice the small blush on his face as the only thing she could stare as was his blue eyes.

Hoishi stopped struggling when she noticed her grip weaken. She looked at (First Name) and saw that she was dreamily staring at him then she looks at the boy who was jogging, trying to sneak glances at (First Name).

'Have I had just witnessed love at first sight??' Hoishi asked herself in her mind.

(_ _)oO Flashback (_ _)oO

"You're so lucky!" Reika fangirls and hugs the pillow tighter. "I have always wanted to see a love at first sight happening~ WAIT! When did this happen?" She asks.

"I think it was the time that you caught the stomach flu." Hoishi closes her eyes to think and try to remember that if she was right. "Yep, it was definitely the time that you caught the stomach flu."

"I hate stomach flu, they are the worst." Reika complains and she reliazed something. "I think my brother is warming up to her..." She says and gets a cookie, before she can take a bite; Hoishi slammed the table and points at her.

"STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING! WE ARE GOING TO WRITE FLUFFY FANFICS AND DRAW ABOUT THEM!!" Hoishi says and immediately grabs a paper and pen from the study table.

Reika munches on her cookie and watches Hoishi do all of the work. The only thing she did was to give out ideas and suggestions.

As they were working; Reika's phone buzzed about a couple of times which indicated thay someone was calling her. She picked it up and pressed ANSWER.

"Hey (First Name), what's up?"

"You're brother might be going home a little late..."

"What's the hold up?" Reika questions her.

"He's with my family at the moment."(First Name) replies as she nervously glances at the living room, hoping Tobio is alive and well. Cause duh, this is the Sawamura Family we are talking about.

"WHAT?!" Reika's eyes widen surprise as Hoishi tries to surpress her fangirling.

"Yeah... can you cover for him? I don't want your mom to be mad at him."

"That's so sweet of you, Are you that worried for him because your falling for him?" Reika teases her as she plays with her hair.

"Wha--?! Reika, what's up with that?" (First Name) blushes madly as millions of adorable scenarios with Tobio flashed inside of her mind. She restrained herself to not fangirl since she might make Reika mad.
"I don't mind if you will fall for him after all I was the one who setted you guys up for a date. You can say that you have my blessing." Reika smiles as (First Name) was there.

Hoishi on the other hand was already planning on what (First Name)'s wedding gown would look like. Yep, very supportive best friends.

"Reika... I--" (First Name) was cutted off because her aunt was calling her. "I have to go, I'll call you later. Buh-bye~"

"Buh-bye~" Reika replies in the same tone as her, teasing her. As she presses send, she groans in annoyance and lies down on her bed."What the heck?! Why did you leave me hanging, (First Name)-chaaaaan!"

"What did she say, anyways and do you think (First Name) would like white roses or pink tulips?" Hoishi asks as she stares at her drawing. "GAH! The...."

"Hoishi, what happened?" Reika goes near the blonde and pats her shoulder.

"The hands! They look like they are doing some weird yoga position!" Hoishi cries as she rolls up into a ball while repeatedly whispering to herself. "I am trash.."

"Not again..." Reika facepalms. "What would your anime bias say if he would see you like this?" She says as she tries to cheer her up.

"Shin-ah and Kija would say that I am trash too.." Hoishi wimpers, the thought of Shin-ah and Kija saying that to her in the coldest mannerism.

Reika shakes her head as a sign of 'no'. "They will never say that, they will say "We love you for who you are even if you think you are trash~" I am pretty sure that they will say that."

Hoishi wipes her tears and wipes her tears away. "I am glad.. Yosh! I am more inspired now!"

"That's good." Reika fistbumps with Hoishi. "Now let's continue drawing (First Name)'s wedding dress."

When you realize your characters are dweebs like the author 😂

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