Chapter [3] : Another battle

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"Thank you for walking me home Shikamaru, Sai," uttered Sakura to both of her comrades upon reaching her door step. "Sayonara Sakura, good night!" said both of them in unison before they took their leave. Still smiling from thinking on how Naruto and Hinata are finally now together after those rough years, her steps were stopped by a shadow she noticed standing straight behind her.

Without any hesitation, she took out her kunai and readied to attack whoever it is, but her hand was immediately grabbed by the stranger and was pulled behind her. She can't move and was quite furious and about to throw her tantrum cha taijutsu with her other hand when the person behind her whispers her name softly, "Sakura, don't tell me you don't recall me".

With tears in her eyes, she recognized exactly that voice. The voice of the man she admired since he was still a boy. "When did you came back, Sasuke-Kun?", asked Sakura, trying so hard to make sure her voice unshakbly while her right arm are still pulled behind her. Sasuke puts his face as close as he can to Sakura's, making sure she will hear every single word he is going to say afterwards.

"It doesn't matter when I came back, but I will be here long this time", said Sasuke in-between accidentally pull her arm even harder. "Arghh! Sasuke-Kun, you are hurting me! Let go!", groaned Sakura. Feeling shocked, he let go of Sakura's arm, noticing there's blood drop on his hand. Sakura's bandage which was earlier clean is now turning red and redder. She gotten the wound from earlier battle. "I'm sorry Sakura. I didn't meant to. I..", "It's okay Sasuke. I just need to go to the hospital to ask them to change the bandage", Sakura stops Sasuke from keep on apologising.

Feeling mixed up, he accompanied Sakura silently to the hospital. "So, you are going to be long this time?", ask Sakura breaking the uncomfartable silent. Sasuke nodded. "You know there are much more better ways to greet an old friend in the middle of the night. You might suffered severe injuries if if I accidentally.." "Is it hurt?", Sasuke barge in the conversation while Sakura was talking.

Chuckling, she answered , "this? Not so much now", while lift up her bandaged arm a bit. "No, I meant..", he stops when suddenly he senses someone else's chakra nearby, and he recognized this warm chakra very well, but what make him feel uneasy was he can also feel some other strange chakras that he couldn't recognize and he is almost positive that these unfamiliar chakras he is sensing doesn't belong to the people in the village. "Sasuke-Kun, you were saying?", Sakura demanded he finishes his statement, but Sasuke's calm face switched to worried.

"Sasuke-Kun, what's wrong?", Sakura asks. Sasuke said, "follow me closely. I can sense Naruto is nearby, but I believe he is in deep trouble". Sakura's eyes gotten big. Upon hearing Naruto is in trouble, she also put on a worried face. "Sasuke-Kun, can you sense if Hinata is also nearby?", Sakura asks with a little hope in her voice, but Sasuke's answer disappoint her.


'Hinata, hang in there. I will save you', Naruto muttered to himself. His hand and body are getting weaker. He believes his chakra is also been absorb by this sticky thing.

"Release!", Sasuke said after waive a sign using his right hand. Sakura is ready to catch Naruto but Sasuke was faster, remembering Sakura's wound is still hasn't been treated. She can't regenerate fast enough from Toneri's earlier attacked that hurts her. Upon catching Naruto, Sasuke never would have imagine how weak Naruto body was at that point of time. He was under the genjutsu longer than he should have.

Using every single chakras left, Sakura unleash her medical jutsu to help Naruto gained back her chakra. A glowing green light are clearly seen on Naruto's upper body part while both of Sakura's hands are on top of his chest.

"H.. Hinata. I'm g...going to you. Please h..hang in there...", Naruto mumblings was clearly heard by both Sasuke and Sakura. "We have to find Hinata", said Sakura without having eye contact with Sasuke, concentrating on healing Naruto.


"What is your intention, Yori?! And what did you do to Naruto-Kun?", ask Hinata to her kidnapper half screamed.

"Hinata-Sama", he starts to talk in a much more serious tone, " you know you shouldn't be home this soon. I have everything under my plan until you showed up with your brat little sister and him! You almost ruin my entire plan. But, I was lucky enough you dragged your beloved boyfriend into this, so my task will be easier".

"What do you meant? Let him go! For whatever reason you have against me or the clan, you shouldn't have involved Naruto-Kun in this! Are you one of Toneri's people? Toneri has realized his mistake and he repented for what he have done. There's nothing more.."

"Silent!", shout Yori towards Hinata. His voice echoed surrounds the dark cave, which is lightened only by dim fire in the middle of the mud-dirty surface. Hinata gasp for a while, and keep quiet. She do not want to cause Yori to be mad at the current situation for she do not know what her servant is capable of doing, regardless towards her or her boyfriend.

"Like I said, you shouldn't be home this soon", Yori said before leaving Hinata alone in the cave.


"We need reinforcement Sakura!", said Sasuke while Chidori is lightened in his hand and he starts to waive it around. To Sakura's suprised, she saw no one at that point of time, yet Sasuke's Chidori keep on hitting people one by one.

'What are we dealing with right now?', she keep on questioning herself while her hand are still on Naruto's chest. "Naruto, come on. Please wake up. You need to get up now to save Hinata. Please Naruto please!", yet Naruto still remain unconcious.

"Sharingan!" Sakura hears a very promising voice behind her. 'Yokatta..', she said in relieved.

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