Chapter [18] : Hyuuga vs Shoko

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"Nee-San, can you explain to us what is really going on and what you have in mind?", Hanabi asked immediately before the creature that resembles Hinata broke the door that separated them from her. Naruto held tight to Hinata's arm, getting the urge to get Hinata out from that situation. It seems like Hinata suddenly remembered something and she muttered loudly, "we need to find father. He is the only one that can create a barrier so the creature won't get to us!"

Getting the idea that the creature loves to suck chakra, Naruto came out with a plan to stall the creature from attacking them before they could reach Hiashi.  "Konohamaru, make a large Rasengan!", Naruto shouts but Konohamaru pulls his eyebrows together, recalled that Naruto told him not to use any ninjutsu earlier. 

"Demo Naruto nee-chan, just now you said..", Konohamaru starts to raise his concern when Naruto cut him off.

"Just do as I said dattebayo!! Are you even my student at all questioning your teacher at times like this?!", Naruto's seriousness and madness in his voice makes Konohamaru swallow a drop of heavy gulp and he immediately nodded as a sign he understood. They both create a large Rasengan, larger than usual and slowly combines both of it upon Naruto's order. Hinata and Hanabi only watching without muttering even a word. 

The creature that resembles Hinata slowly turns to look switched back to her original form, burned all over. She was mesmerizes with the large amount of chakra created by Naruto and Konohamaru that she is now focusing on sucking the chakra into her. Naruto's plan to make the creature attracted on the Rasengan starting to work and that is when Hinata and Hanabi hit her with their Taijutsu. She fell down but not for so long before she got back on her feet and aimed directly for Hinata before Naruto and Konohamaru hit the wall behind them with the Rasengan, making a huge hole on the wall and pull both Hinata and Hanabi with them out of the room through the hole. They walk at the side of the wall up straight and the creature tried to follow them but she is more interested on the Rasengan that has been thrown and chase for it like a dog playing fetch. 

The moment they were out of the room, all four of them felt a lot stronger and they walk up straight where Hiashi was admitted even faster. The moment Hiashi saw them at the window as he was staring, he unlocked the window and let them all in. 

"Father, seal this room now! We are followed by a very nasty looking woman!", Hanabi shouts at his father's confused face.

While catching her breath, Hinata said, " it's.. it's the Shoko's father". Hiashi's initial confused look switched immediately and he sealed the whole room with one of his sealing technique. The creature found them, tried to break the glass window but was blown away every time she get herself near to the window. After a few fail trials, she flew away, leaving Hiashi, his daughters, Naruto, and Konohamaru sigh in relieved.

They all starts grabbing the chairs nearby to seat before Hiashi called for Hinata. Hinata walks slowly towards his father, putting a light smile in her lips. Hiashi hugs her immediately, keep on asking for her apologies .

"Hinata, I don't deserve to be yours or Hanabi's father. I was too egoistic, I only think about the clan rather than my own daughter's feelings. I am sorry Hinata, please forgive me", Hiashi keep on pleading. Hanabi's eyes getting bigger,not believing what she is seeing. She never saw her dad this close to her sister all this while. Hinata was as much as suprise as Hanabi, but she keep her cool and hugs her father back in order to comfort him although there's no even one drop of tear shielding her eyes at that moment. 

"Ano.. I'm sorry but Hinata, what's Shoko?", Naruto asked remembering back what he just heard from Hinata just now. Hearing that question, Hinata and Hiashi let go of each other's hug slowly, and both of them are readied to answer Naruto's question but Hinata was faster than her old man.

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