Chapter [5] : Naruto's Determination

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"Naruto, there's no use on using ninjutsu against them. They absorb our chakra the very moment we use our jutsu against them!", warned Kakashi to Naruto. 

"Absorb our jutsu, just like Pain last time?", he asked and Kakashi nodded. 

"Hn Naruto, don't tell me you need time to digest this information you dobe", complained Sasuke, not knowing what Naruto have in his mind. Seems like Kakashi is getting Naruto's idea too, although Naruto didn't muttered any word out of his mouth.

 At the same time, Kakashi is still wondering why isn't the reinforcement he summoned earlier came yet. A Hokage's summoned should be taken seriously immediately, the helps should have arrived at least 10 minutes ago. 

In fact, what's more weird is that, those Ninja that were supposed to guard the hospital can't be seen around as well, and much to his concern, even those medic ninja that works night shift in the hospital didn't even bother to find out about the fight, as if there were only himself, Naruto, Sasuke, and only Sakura stuck there fighting these unexplainable creatures. His intel wasn't strong enough to tell whether he and his former students are actually stuck in another genjutsu or not. 

A cold sweat runs in Kakashi's forehead, leaving him a bit of cold shiver. He had fought many before, but this time, he is uncertain about his attacker. 'I wonder if my summoning even reached those Shinobis", thought Kakashi to himself.

"Minna, I can sense Shikamaru's and the rest's chakra, they are very close to us. We must have been under a genjutsu that prevent us from seeing them, and vise versa.  Use your Sharingan to reverse this genjutsu after I finished with my work here", said Naruto as he switched to his Sage-Mode. 

Sasuke was mentally slapped, taking orders from Naruto. But then, who could deny his action when he is so determined to do something for the good sake of everyone. Sasuke readied himself while his eyes cornered a bit to check on Sakura. Sakura is now on her feet, also prepared to face any circumstances that could come after. 

Like it has always been since before, Naruto's determination is like a contagious disease, but it is the disease that everyone is looking forward to have, and this time, even Sasuke felt it. Sasuke couldn't deny how Naruto has gotten so strong over the years, and now two years after the war, he can feel that Naruto has gotten only stronger. He used to feel jealous and irritated on how Naruto has grown from where he began, but now he acknowledges Naruto, like what Naruto has ever wanted since long time ago.  The former team 7 is back in action. 

"S.. Sasuke!", shouted Sakura when she was suddenly grabbed by a figure from her back. Before the figure could disappear in his speed, Sasuke immediately runs towards Sakura. Sasuke's speed probably has intimidate the figure, he tightened his grabbed on Sakura, making Sakura suffocated. Using his taijutsu, Sasuke managed to loosen the tight grabbed and his punch went straight to the villain's face, making him fell on his back.

The black figure slowly vanished, leaving a brutally wounded commoner that is believed has passed away long time back. "It's the reincarnation of the deaths! Probably..", Sasuke couldn't continue to deliver the intel he just learnt to Naruto and Kakashi before Sakura falls in his arm. He catches her, hold her dearly to his chest. Bruises are obviously seen on her arms and legs. Her jade green eye is hide behind her eye lids, she passed out. 

"Sasuke, remain there to protect Sakura. I will reverse this genjutsu on my own later with Naruto's help", the Hokage speaks to both of the war heroes, resulting them nodded together. 

Those unknown figures start to turns into a frog-like looks, resulting from absorbing Naruto's sage-mode chakra. They start to vanished one by one, but not for so long when Naruto gotten weak again. The genjutsu he and Hinata got themselves into earlier is not somekind or rather any normal genjutsu he had ever faced before. Not even a sharingan could do this, but he was lucky enough that Sasuke and Sakura got to himself on time. But, what about Hinata. Has Hinata been released from this genjutsu? 

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