Chapter 15 : You belong in the past

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"Baa-chan, why are you stopping me out of sudden? I need to get to Kakashi-sensei right now!", Naruto screams, almost the whole hospital hall are echoed with his voice.

"No! You are not going any where! You have just recovered from a serious chakra drained, and you are not allowed to leave the hospital just yet!", Tsunade topped Naruto's voice, making him take a few steps back.

"But, I have to meet him. Please Baa-chan, this is important!", Naruto soften his voice, more to pleading. He is tremendously afraid hearing that his chakra's absorbent earlier will bring nothing but only harm to the people in the village, especially the Hyuuga's clan.

'Why do I always have to promised people to keep secret from Naruto? Ugh!", Tsunade snapped at herself before a figure appeared from behind Naruto, running and panting calling Naruto's name.


"A..Asuma?", Shikamaru startled, not believing in what he is seeing.

"Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, don't fell for it, this is just a genjutsu!" Kakashi ordered firmly before TenTen drops her weapon scroll by accident, couldn't believe her eyes seeing another silhouette not far from the first.

"Neji?", Lee murmurs after saw what TenTen is , moving his body to get near to the figure.

"Lee! Neji is dead! We are under their genjutsu! Get ahold of yourself!", Kakashi ordered again. Like waking up from a dream, he stopped moving and be in a readied position.

'This is harder then I think it is', Kakashi mumbles alone.

"I can't see any crack on their face, but also I can't sense their smells at all. Kakashi-sensei, this is not edo-tensei right?", Kiba asked curiously.

"They are not reanimated, but they are just mainly a genjutsu for us to fall to them, playing with our feelings", Shino added, directly answering Kiba's question. His eyes are now glued on another figure that hide behind a tree. 'Torune, why wouldn't I be suprised', he muttered alone.

"Woof!", a bark was clearly heard right behind them out of sudden. Kiba was the first person to turn and saw his best friend, only a lot younger.

"Akamaru?", Kiba is feeling disbelief, but not for so long when he remembered back what Shino and Kakashi mentioned earlier. Akamaru is no longer as active and as strong as he used to be due to his age, plus he is practically a busy father now, so he hardly left home and prefer to stay in more. This Akamaru that is in front of him right now is looking at least two years younger. This is just the enemy trying to mess around with them by appearing as the closest bond to them and pull an attack whenever they all are spellbound.

"Kakashi, why are you looking so tensed?", a soft voice muttered, turning all the eye balls to a small figure which is standing exactly next to Kakashi. Kakashi jumps a little further away, getting a good look to the small figure before recognizing her very well.



"Naruto nee-chan! Naruto nee-chan!!", Konohamaru's voice stopped the disputes between Tsunade and Naruto immediately. Naruto turns to where the voice came from and remembers at once Hinata was with him and Hanabi earlier.

"Konohamaru, what's wrong? Did anything happened to Hinata?!", Naruto asked anxiously with sweats running all over his forehead.

"Huh.. Huhhh.. H... Hi... Hinata nee-sama...", still panting while bending his body and reached for his knee, Konohamaru tried to speak but before he could continue any further, Naruto runs from where Konohamaru came from, at least three times faster than Konohamaru just now.

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