Chapter 7: Its Not Goodbye Yet

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"This way." I said pulling along Jamie's hand behind me.

"Slow down!" Jamie yelled, and I kept up the pace. Turning around corners the same way I was brought early we finally made it to the door that would take us backstage.

"Girls." A man in all black stood in front of the door with his arms crossed over his body. "I can't allow you back there." Before he finished I was already reaching into my pocket to pull out the napkin I was handed earlier.

My heart stopped when the napkin ripped as I pulled it out. "Shit." I said under my breathe as the guard glared at me. "I-it's a note Justin wrote me after The One Less Lonely Girl song ended." I said pointing to my crown with one hand and holding the note in the other. You could barely see his signature but I was hoping he would understand.

"Just because you have an autograph and a crown means absolutely nothing. I'm sorry girls you need to go." A steady stream of tears fell as he spoke.

"Couldn't you go ask Justin or somebody. Why don't you go get Fredo. Tell him that Elizabeth needs him." I said threw the tears as he stared blankly at me.

"No." And by now I could tell that he was done and if I said anything else he would escort is out. Personally.

I grabbed Jamie's hand and started to walk off slowly. "Wait." I said and stopped dead in my tracks. Turning around I pulled out my cell check to see if I had any messages and there it was. '1 unread message' by a number I didn't know.

I quickly slide my finger along the glass screen unlocking the message. 'Hey Elizabeth. It's Scooter, here's your picture OLLG be sure to not go posting my number on any site of yours. We hope to see you again. Lots of love.' And at the end of the text was the picture.

"Here, here is proof." I said holding up the message from scooter and after he read it I clicked on the picture. The guard looked at us and sighed, moving away from the door.

"Fine." He grunted and let us walk by. Once we were behind the door I searched everywhere for Justin, but I couldn't find him anywhere.

"He left." Jamie said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"B-But, he new I was coming. He told me." And the tears began to fall again. Jamie sighed pulling me into a hug.

"What's going on?" I could recognize the voice anywhere. I turned an saw Justin peeking his head behind a curtain. "Hey! Liz and Jamie!" He said walking over to us an wrapping us in a sweaty hug. "I thought y'all weren't ever going to come." He laughed.

"Well we thought you already left." I said wiping away the tears and trying to put a smile on my face.

"Is that why you were crying?" He said scratching the back of his neck and looking down.

"Well your body guard wouldn't let us by and then we got here and I thought you left. I'm sorry, I'm just so emotional today. I'm not usually like this. I promise. I mean unless you like that, which you probably don't. I bet you think that's annoying. I bet you think crying girls are annoying considering you have to listen to them all the time. You know, I'm really nervous right now and when I'm nervous I seem to over talk, it's like a disease so feel free to stop me anytime." I could hear Jamie laugh as I stared down at the ground my face beginning to become hot from blushing and I just knew that my face was bright red.

"It's fine." Justin laughed. "Y'all can come back if y'all want?" He said walking back to the curtain he came out of. We both nodded and followed Justin back.

"Hey guys. This is Liz an this is Jamie." He said pointing at us. He walked over to the group of people that we already knew but he named them anyways and we went along with it. "This is Ryan Butler, Fredo, Scooter, Kenny, My mom Pattie, Allison, Dan, and Ryan Good." He pointed to each of his friends as they waved and we waved back. "You can sit down." He laughed as we stood awkwardly and he pointed to an open spot next to him an one next to Ryan B.

I slowly walked and took the seat next to Justin, leaving Jamie to sit next to Ryan. We sat there for a minute in the awkward silent before Ryan started asking Jamie about herself. "So your names Jamie?" He said and she started to blush.



"Man we've never stayed so long after a concert before." Ryan said as he slung his arm around Jamie's shoulder as we walked out.

"Yeah man, but I'm glad we stayed." Justin said looking down at me, making me blush. He was so cute.

"Y'all leaving tomorrow?" I said, realizing that our night of fantasy was coming to an end.

"Yeah around 1, right man?" Ryan said looking over at Justin his arm still around Jamie's shoulder.

"Yup." Justin said popping the "p." I knew Justin didn't have a show tomorrow, and pretty sure he was going to be on a break. I wonder where he was going, probably somewhere great. "Off for four days. Where are you wanting to go Ry?" Justin said as we kept walking out of the stadium.

I glanced down at my phone checking the time as the boys argued on where they wanted to vacation for the weekend. 2:03a.m. I'm sure no girls would still be outside. We stepped outside into the refreshing night air and proving my point that no screaming teen girls were outside.

"We'll I guess this is bye." I said kicking the ground as we walked up to their bus. I could tell Jamie was feeling the same way. Her an Ryan really hit it off. They were really cute, to bad it would never work, well with him traveling with Justin and stuff.

"Not exactly." Ryan said giving Justin a look as he nodded his head.

"Y'all could come with us?" Justin finished Ryan's sentence as Jamie and I stood there Speechless. Really?


Guys, thanks for waiting so long for this Chapter. I've decided that I'm going to make them longer unless I don't have time to post in that case it will be short. But I think the story will be better with more detail. Thanks for reading loves, and go check out my other stories..



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