Chapter 9: I Have A Boyfriend

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"Woohoo." Justin said as he jumped into the pool landing inches from me, splashing me.

"Jeez, don't you think you made a big enough splash." I teased him playfully as he rolled his eyes.

Jamie and Ryan ran off to play volleyball while Justin and I stayed behind to swim. The water felt great as the sun beamed down on us. There were quite a few people here but the scenery made it feel peaceful and quiet.

"Hey now, is that a secret way of telling me to lose wait." He smirked and splashed more water in my face.

"Not at all at what I was getting at, but if the shoe fits." I laughed at my own joke, splashing him back.

"Now you've done it." He said trying to sound mad, but he wasn't fooling me. He moved closer to be in the water, making his face inches from mine.

We breathed the same air for a minute, close enough that if he leaned forward anymore our lips would touch. Then he dunked me into the water, ruining a picture perfect moment.

I popped out of the water gasping for a breathe, hoping I would see Justin's face but he wasn't there. I turned around my eyes searching for him in the water.

"Boo." He hopped out, splashing more water in my face.

"Stop it!" I tried to sound convincing, but it didn't work.

"You started it." He winked and I jumped up landing on him making us both go under. When we came back up I had managed to wrap my legs around is waist and my arms around his neck.

I moved at the touch of his hands as they grabbed ahold of my hips, pulling me closer to him. Our chest were smashed together and our lips barely spaced apart.

It happened so quickly I couldn't stop it. His lips pressed to mine as our mouths moved in sync with one another. He tangled his hands up in my hair as I twirled my fingers in his hair above his neck. His kiss was sweet and everything I wanted. I didn't want to stop, I never wanted to stop, but Dylan.

"Stop." I said pushing away out of breathe from the kiss. He gave me a concerned look.

"To soon? Did I do something?" He looked worried as I swam to the steps of the pool.

"No it's not you." My eyes watered up as I rushed back to the cabana and wrapped my dripping body in a towel.

"Liz," he said once he caught up. "What happened? I'm sorry. I won't try to kiss you again, I thought you wanted me to." He reached for my wrist.

"I did, that's the problem." I pulled out of his grip.

"How is that the problem?" His voice sounded hurt.

"I have a boyfriend Justin!" I said not daring to look back at him as I walked out of the cabana and to the room.



"Liz," I heard the door open and close back. "What happened back there? Ryan and I came back for you and Justin and he was sitting in a chair at the cabana with his head in his hands. Said you ran off after he kissed you."

I took a deep breath and wiped away the rest of the tears. I was sprawled out on the bed with my head in the pillow.

"Liz?" Jamie's voice questioned as she made her way through the suite. "There you are." She opened the door to the room and I rolled around to face her. I knew my face was probably red and splotchy but she didn't say anything, she just came and sat beside me on the be.

"I cheated on Dylan." Was all I said as I stared at the ceiling.

"I know," She sighed "Its going to be alright."

But it wasn't. Every time I think about the situation a lump builds up in my throat and I'm so tempted to call Dylan and tell him. Then I think about Justin and the lump gets bigger and I feel like I'm being suffocated.

"Did you want to come to dinner with us?" She said her voice soft.

"No." I said and sat up in the bed. I couldn't bare to look at Justin. I knew it wasn't his fault because I wanted it to happen, but if it happened once I knew I would cave and it would happen again.

"Come on." Jamie tugged at my hand trying pull me up from the bed.

"I'm not even ready." I gestured to the pajamas I had thrown on my body when I got into the room earlier.

"And you think I am?" She laughed and pointed at her swim suit and I shook my head. "Please come." I couldn't let her down so I nodded my head.

I put on a pair of tie dye denim high wasted shorts with a cute cropped top. Lacing up my short boots I walked into the bathroom. I threw on a little mascara and powder and decided that my hair was fine natural. Who was I trying to impress anyways? I have a boyfriend already.

"Ready?" I called from the living room as Jamie came out of the bedroom nodding her head. "Let's get this over with." I mumbled under my breathe.


Should she break up with Dylan? Or should she see how the rest of the vacation is going? Please vote guys and get more readers. Thanks.



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