Chapter 10: Ugh

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"I'm sorry about earlier." Justin mumbled as we walked around the putt-putt course. We had just finished eating and we decided to go play. "Like, I really am." He had stopped to look at me. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend. I'd never would have tried anything, its just I thought you wanted to." His voice faded as he looked at me.

"Thats the problem, I did." My voice was quiet as I looked at my feet, Jamie and Ryan had walked off alone, leaving Justin and myself to talk. Which i didn't want. I was confused about everything. Justin. Dylan. Why i was in Hawaii. What the hell was happening?

This happens to no one. So why is it happening to me? I loved Dylan, no doubt about it so why was I questioning this? But Justin, I loved him to but in a completely different way. I had always dreamed about loving him like I love Dylan, but the only chance I will ever get and I'm not so sure I should take it.

"I'm sorry. I'll stop flirting. Just friends." He broke my train of thought and the awkward silence that was happening.

"O-Okay." I said like I was disappointed in what he said. Like I was sad? I HAD A BOYFRIEND. "Okay." I said again. "Just friends."

"Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself thats all you want to be." He smirked at me.

"Stop. Just friends!" I nudged him playfully. Maybe it would be better to keep Justin as a friend and Dylan as a boyfriend.


"Babe, whats up?" Dylan's voice rang threw the phone.

"Oh nothing. Just in HAWAII!" As soon as the words left my mouth I wanted to shove them back in.

"Hawaii? For what?" You could tell the confusion in his voice.

"Yeah.. Um.. The vacation?"

"Your family or Jamie's family took you guys on a spur of the moment trip to Hawaii?"

"Not exactly, I mean Jamie and I are on vacation in Hawaii."

"Not exactly? Tell me whats going on Liz. Please?" He sounded hurt. I hated when he sounded like this. All of a sudden I got a huge lump in my throat like I was going to burst into tears. I cheated on him. He'd be devastated.

"We-We're with J-Justin. And Ryan."

"Right! Justin and Ryan. Your parents are letting you skip school to travel to Hawaii with a pop-star?" He started laughing, which kind of upset me more that he didn't believe me.

"Well yes?" I said as he continued to laugh.

"Okay, whatever babe. Love you. goodnight." He didn't even let me say it back before he hung up the phone and I was left on the other line in silence.

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