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 *Somehow writes the end of the chapter before the beginning*

Nakira: Baka

Shut up Naki nobody asked you.

1, 2, 3, 4!!!!!!!!!!


 I absentmindly traced my curse mark, headphones in and my mind off on a whirlwind adventure. Tobi left for a couple hours, Akatsuki buisness or whatever I guess, and I... am bored. Of course it's hard for me NOT to be. But Naruto is off on a mission, and I'm not 'allowed' to go on missions yet. Stupid freaking hokage. Tenten and Hinata are also out on missions: I haven't even seen them yet. Everybody is just so busy... 


 Hey.. Maybe I can talk to the ANBU!? No wait.. I've tried that already they never let me see them. Uggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 

  I rolled over on my bed, humming slightly. I'm so bored.. I don't even want to draw. Well I don't have anything to draw until nighttime so.... Bored. Boredom is as evil as rainbow bunnies, screw you boredom I hope you die a horrible death... By Rainbow Bunnies. Actually I hope you two just clash and kill one another. That'd be nice, two problems taken out instantly.

 I groaned, standing up and pulling on my panda purse. "You know what, I'm going to go talk to the demon hokage. I want some ramen and she isn't going to stop me now!" I paused and sweat-dropped, looking down at the ground, "I just... Have to ask her permission first," 

~10 minutes later, at the Demon Hokage's~

  I burst into Tsunade's office, "I LOVE YOU KENPACHI RAMASAMA!!" I yelled, tumbling to the floor in a fit of laughter.

 The demon Hokage stared at me, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What the hell Nakira?" Shizune seemed pretty amused, as she was hiding her laughter behind her hand. I couldn't stop laughing, and I was rolling on the ground. 

  "Ke-Kenpachi Rama-Ramasama why didn't you d-d-do your math homework?" I spat out, Shizune lost it, and was joining me on the floor. Tsunade rolled her eyes, suppressing a smile anyways.

 "Oh I-I'm sorry! M-My toast woul-wouldn't cook and I-I had to go a-and be a Sa-Sailor Scout!" Shizune exclaimed, making us both laugh harder.  

  "Nakira, what do you want?"

 "S-S-Sorry, too b-busy rolling in lau-laughter," I answered, composing myself after ten minutes or so. Shizune took even longer than I, looking over at me and bursting into another fit of giggles. I grinned, looking at Tsunade. "Tsunade-chan-oni-senpai-sama-san, can I have Ichiraku ramen back yet?" I paused, "I mean it's been like, a year and three days already, and just because I came back three days ago doesn't mean the year wasn't still present!"

  Tsunade sighed, then looked at me sharply, fire in her eyes. "Did you just call me a demon!?"

  I sweat-dropped, "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo," I answered, shaking my head quickly. I put on wide innocent eyes, "Pleaseeeeeee Tsunade-sama-chan?"

 "Fine, if you stop adding weird endings to my name," She answered, closing her eyes and nodding slightly. "Yes! You can have your ramen back, but the ANBU is still stalking you," I shrugged, then pounced on her.

"THANK YOU DE- I MEAN HONORABLE AWESOME HOKAGE PERSON!" Tsunade just threw me out the window, pretty sure I glomped her.. oops, and I fell to the ground. Forming the hand signs to let me poof somewhere... that I'm not falling to my death. 

  I appeared in a nice comfy tree, in one piece and not dead. Mostly. 

BUT RAAAAAAAAAaaAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMmmMMEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNnnN!! I get ICHIrAkU ramen back!!!!!!! I started heading towards them right away, pulling out my... Empty wallet. I stopped in my tracks. 

There, Here, and Back again. (A Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now