Chapter 27: I Don't How I Got Mad, I Don't Think I Should Get Back

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I closed my eyes tight and thought before starting to draw. Tobi was sprawled out on his bed, mask in hand, and fast asleep.

And hence, the perfect drawing scene!

I started to draw his face, and I didn't notice when he opened his eye until I started to draw his Sharingan. "What are you doing Nakira-chan?" He asked,an amused smirk finding his way onto his face.

"Drawing you," I replied simply, looking back down at the sketchpad. "Now please stay still,"

"Yes ma'm!" He teased, resuming his former position. I laughed and rolled my eyes, contuing to draw.

It's been 3 weeks since Yakabushi's death... And I guess I'm doing better than I was. Sometimes I end up crying in the middle of the night, but Tobi's always been there for me.

God I still feel like a whore.

I've been trying to not kiss Tobi again, trying for my sake and Gaara's... I mean... What'll he do if he finds out?

~10 Minutes later~

I finished the last line and inspected the drawing proudly. Pretty damn good if I say so myself. "Mkay Tobi-kun. You can move," I looked up, "Huh? He's gone!?"I exclaimed, looking around the room.

Tobi's arms wrapped around my waist, and his chin rested on my shoulder. "Who's gone Naki-chan?" He whispered teasingly in my ear.

"I thought you were, Tobi-kun," I replied, leaning back on him.

He smiled, "Why would I-" He was intterupted by somebody knocking on the door.

"Nakira-san! We need you to come out!" Kisame exclaimed, continuing to bang on the poor door. I sighed and pulled away from Tobi, standing up and quickly opening the door.

"Yes Kisame-San?" I asked, leaning on the door frame.

"Pain-sama wants you,"

"Hai," I followed him out and motioned for Tobi to follow. He stood up and put his mask back on, and followed me out the door.

I walked into the living room, and sat down next to Konan, whose face was set into a hard line. "Nakira..." Pain-sama trailed off, and I nodded. "From now on, Zumataki Nakira, you are an official member of the Akatsuki in replacement for Zumataki Yakabushi. You will be taking over his duties as Medical Ninja for the group, and any other responsibilities that I had assigned him. You will be on a two-man team with Tobi from now on," Pain-sama intoned, I nodded, and stood. "Sit back down Nakira, we're not done yet," I sighed and sat back down, leaning on Tobi slightly. "Your first mission is to go to Suna to gather information on the Jinchuriki there, I need to know everything. His strengths, his weaknesses. I want you ti give me a full report everyday, and I'll contact you if your assistance is needed," I nodded.

"Whose is it?" I asked, frowning. I thought... There was only one Jinchuriki in the sand... Unless...

"Gaara of the Desert," I stifled a gasp and bit my lip, "You'll need to go undercover, get close to him. But be careful. If you're caught...." I nodded, and stood.

"We'll leave immediately," Tobi stood up as well and followed me as we walked to our room. He opened his door and walked in, me following. As soon as he shut the door I started to freak out, "SHIT!"

"Do you have past experiences with this guy Naki-chan?" Tobi asked, grabbing a bag. I took out my own and nodded, starting to pack.

"Yeah.. He... I.. It's complicated." I whispered, playing with the vial around my neck.

There, Here, and Back again. (A Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now