Chapter 4

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Two months after Tobin's secret came out, things started to calm down. The girls in her classes still tried to avoid Tobin if they could, which was fine with her. The less people she had to talk to, the better. Lauren still hasn't spoken to Tobin since that day. They had some classes together but she would always appear busy whenever Tobin passed her. It hurt seeing her former best friend treat her like this, and she knew what she was about to do would make things worse between the three of them. There was no going back now though.

Approaching the small group of girls, I sought out Christen Press, the Junior Varsity soccer captain. I asked around for months and I knew this would help bring justice. For me at least.

"Well if it isn't Tobin Heath. How's gay life treating you?" She sneered. The rest of the girls laughed at this.

"Listen, I'm not here to try to get in your pants even if you are a little hot. I have some stuff to tell you and I'm pretty sure you'd love this," I offered. She squinted at me, trying to decide if I was playing a trick or not.

"And what is it?" She asked.

"It's about Alex. The same one thats been hanging out with you guys," I said with a smile.

"It couldn't be anything bad. She already told us everything about her," Christen seemed to be trying to reassure herself and the rest of the group nodded in agreement.

"Well I don't think it's bad or anything. It's just that, she's gay too,"


Walking towards the gym, my thoughts were on the soccer unit the class was starting today. The previous summer with Alex and that feeling I knew we both had came rushing back to me. The way her eyes always seemed to light up whenever she looked at me caused my chest to ache. Maybe i shouldn't have told them. I turned the corner to the locker rooms trying to clear my head, when I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention," I said while hurrying to pick up her books that I had knocked out of her hands. The other girl was quiet for a second before bending down to help me pick the books up.

"It's okay Tobin. I actually was wanting to talk to you for a while now," said the girl. I looked up and met the familiar pair of warm blue eyes but this time, there was sadness in them. A small part of me ached but I knew she betrayed me.

"Talk about what exactly?" I asked Alex. She chewed on her lip nervously.

"We have to talk about what happened. I did tell people but I never thought it'd reach everyone. I didn't think it'd get like this," she said quietly. I shook my head in disbelief.

"You didn't think it'd get like this? Did you think everyone would be okay with it? Alex, I know even you aren't that blind. There's people in this world who have campaigned against people like me. People who would hurt me for how I am. I've already gotten threats about it," I replied. Her eyes searched me quickly, checking to see if I had already been hurt by anyone.

"No one will hurt you. I can promise you that," she said firmly. I rolled my eyes at this.

"Its not like you haven't broken a promise to me, right?" I asked sarcastically. Her jaw tightened.

"The only people I told were the girls on the soccer team. The captain said she could get me a spot in the varsity tryouts if I had any dirt on people to tell her. She's really big on the whole gossip thing and I wasn't thinking on how it'd affect you," She took a step towards me and grabbed my hand.

"This could be my big break Tobin. Imagine if I actually made the team and college scouts saw me play," she tried to reason with me. The conversation that I had with Christen and her followers played over and over in my mind. There was no coming back now.

"I told Christen about you. They all know you're gay now," I said quickly.

"Wait you what?! Why the hell would you do that Tobin?" She yelled.

"Well I don't know if you remember but you kinda told them I was gay too. Consider this payback," I said calmly. Maybe now she'd feel how I felt all this time.

"I can't believe you did this Tobin. I'm not even gay!" She yelled.

"Then why'd you tell me that?"

"I said I wasn't sure if I was gay or not," she replied. The memory of that day came back and suddenly, I remembered she had indeed said that.

"Well maybe Christen won't make a big deal out of it," I tried to assure her. She shook her head as tears started coming down her face.

"You just ruined everything Tobin. I never want to see you again," she said as she brushed past me. My chest ached again and I wondered if losing her would ever get any easier.


After my last class of the day ended, I decided to head over to a park that was nearby.  Stepping on the grass, I inhaled the refreshing scent that I missed so much. I cursed at myself for not stopping at home and grabbing a ball first. A ball suddenly rolled my way and I quickly chased after it. Picking it up, I could see  two girls waiting for me to throw it back. One of the girls started jogging towards me and I figured she wanted to say something.

"Hey you're Tobin right?" the girl asked me. She looked familiar but I couldn't place where I recognized her from.

"Yeah I'm Tobin. Where do I know you from?" I asked her.

"We're in the same English class. You sit in front of me. I'm Morgan by the way, but everyone calls me Moe," she smiled. 

"Oh yeah that must be it. Here's your ball back Moe," I said while tossing the soccer ball towards her.

"You should come play with us. We need a goalie and I think you'd be perfect," she said over her shoulder, walking back to the other girl waiting for her. I agreed and followed her. The other girl was Morgan's older sister Jennifer who went to our school. She was a junior and played on the varsity soccer team and I had to hold back my questions about Alex.

"So how have you been Tobin? I heard the whole rumor going around school and it must be hard having everyone talk about you," she said breathlessly. We all decided to take a break after they saw I actually wasn't that good of a goalie. Scoring has always been easier for me anyways.

"I've been okay. I just try to keep to myself to avoid the whole 'don't let the gay girl near you or she might infect you' conversations," I replied.

"You should come hang out with me during lunch. My friends know I'm bisexual and they don't have a problem with it. They'll accept you too," she offered. The idea of not having to spend lunches at school as a loner anymore suddenly gave me hope. If they can accept me, maybe other people can too.

"Yeah that sounds good. Thanks," I smiled. We exchanged numbers and after a while, we headed our own way home. The sun was quickly setting and the light pink and orange sun rays softly lit up the sky. I couldn't stop smiling at Moe's offer. She was like me in a way and that gave me hope. Maybe this school year wouldn't be so bad after all.


so I decided to make this update a little longer than usual bc my updating sucks sometimes. I hope you guys like it and also please thank Katie for helping me through everything. She's a big help and I love her tremendously. Thank you again for reading.

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