Chapter 10

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Alex's POV

I was in love with her. I never felt like this about anyone else before and it scared me. I trusted her but I knew anything could change fast. Tobin was supposed to be here any minute now and I was nervous. I had to tell her what I had done these past months. I just hoped she'd forgive me and let me at least stay in her life. I looked at the dinner I made and wondered if it would be good enough. I hoped so. The doorbell rang and I waited a couple seconds before answering it. I didnt want to seem too eager now.

"Hey Tobin. I'm glad you could make it," I pulled her into a hug and I could feel her heartbeat against mine. I wanted to stay this way forever. I pulled away after a while and saw that she had indeed dressed up. I knew she wouldn't wear a dress or anything but she still looked so good.

"You look good Alex," Tobin told me. I felt my face turn red at that.

"Thank you but you look even better," I said with ease which surprised me. I led her to the living room where a movie was already playing.

"So what's planned tonight?" Tobin asked me. My nerves came back and I felt shaky again which she noticed.

"What's wrong Alex. Is everything okay?" She seemed genuinely concerned about me and it made my heart ache. I had to tell her now.

"I have to tell you something," I took one last breath knowing she'd probably hate me after this.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it isn't that bad," she smiled at me.

"I made up a plan to break up you and Moe when you guys were together. Meghan was in on it and I just wanted to tell you before I say that I'm-"

"Wait you did what? Why would you break us up like that?" Tobin's smile was replaced with a look of betrayal.

"I'm sorry Tobin, I didn't want Christen having you and I was scared I'd lose you," I felt tears start to leave my eyes but I didn't care anymore.

"I'm not property Alex. I really can't believe you ended my relationship with Moe just so you can try getting with me," Tobin stood up and I knew then that I was losing her. I tugged at her arm as she made her way to the door.

"I'm sorry but I need space Alex. Please. I just need to think about this for a while," she reasoned with me. I let go of her arm and saw her walk out of the door without looking back. It was my own fault my heart was broken now.


Tobin's POV

I quickly checked the address on my phone again before knocking on the door. The lights were on but it seemed empty inside. After a couple of minutes, the door opened and Christen stood before me, sweatpants on and hair up. She was perfect. As soon as she saw it was me she pulled me in her arms for a hug. She smelled like lavender and something else I couldn't describe. I made a mental note to accidentally take one of her hoodies home later.

"Im so glad you're here," she said while still keeping me against her. I had no problem with it though. The walk from Alex's house to here was long and it was freezing outside. Christen must've felt me shiver because she, unwillingly almost, let me go and led me inside. Her house was indeed empty and as she led me upstairs, I decided to ask where everyone was.

"Oh I didn't invite anyone else. I only said that so you would come. If you haven't figured out yet already, I kinda want you all to myself," she told me. All of the flirting from school with her came back to me and I wondered if she had feelings for me.

"How are you so perfect?" I asked. Apparently I asked outloud and not in my head as I thought because she laughed and soon we were in her room.

"I'm glad you think I'm perfect. Here's some sweatpants and a hoodie for you to wear. Those clothes you have on look nice but you'd look better in this," she threw the clothes at me and turned around, giving me some privacy to change.

I changed slow, not caring if she saw and as soon as I was done, I walked up behind her and hugged her. She leaned back against my arms and soon we found ourselves on her bed. Alex kept coming in my mind as Christen sat on my lap but I pushed away any thoughts of her. I needed to forget about that whole situation. I kissed her neck slowly and after working my way across her jawline, our lips were almost touching. The tension was unbearable and as soon as I was about to kiss her, she pulled away with a smile.

"To be continued," she whispered and got off my lap. This really was going to be an interesting night.


I wanted to update again because I'm in a writing mood and i need to update this more. Thank u for reading and sorry if anything wasnt good. Recommendations about anything is always welcome and get on me about updating because i do tend to listen when people want me to update it. anyways, have a good day/night and katie if you're somehow reading this, I always love you even if it doesn't seem like it.

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