Chapter 7

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Meghan's POV

"Hey Moe, I haven't seen you in a while. How's things?" I asked while placing my lunch next to her. She hesitated before answering.

"Things have been the same since we last talked yesterday thanks," she replied. I knew my persistent behavior was starting to get annoying but I had to do this for Alex.

"So I heard you like soccer. You should try out later today," I said. I took a bite of my sandwich and a couple minutes passed before I realized I was staring at Moe.

"Did you know it's rude to stare?" Moe asked.

"Hm well it would be rude if the person receiving the stare didnt mind at all," I winked at her. She laughed despite trying to hold it back.

"I actually might try out later. My girlfriend Tobin was going to go, so I might," she shrugged.

"How is Tobin by the way?" I asked her.

"She's okay I guess. We haven't talked that much lately because of our schedules but its okay," she seemed sad and I wished she wasn't.

"I'm sorry Moe. Hopefully you guys will find some time. Listen, I better get going now. I'll see you later though," I smiled at her.

"Oh okay. See you later Meghan," she gave me a small smile as I walked away. I needed to find Alex and see how her part of the plan was going. I walked towards my next class before being stopped by someone.

"Hey just the person I wanted to see. Come sit with us," a voice said to me. I was pleased to see it was Christen Press, the captain of the junior varsity soccer team. We played together when we were kids so it was nice to see she was the captain now.

"Hey Christen. How's things?" I asked while sitting next to her group of friends.

"It's been great. I just talked to Alex yesterday and she let me in on a little secret of hers," she said slowly, trying to have my full attention. I knew Alex wouldn't tell her about the Tobin plan so it probably wasn't as good as she thought it was.

"Oh really? And what is this secret plan?" I asked. She paused for a moment before deciding to tell me after all.

"She wants little Tobin back. She wanted me to help with a plan she had and I agreed to help," she said unbothered. I tried to appear shocked but by the look on her face, I could tell she wasn't buying it.

"Now this is where you come in Meghan. I want you to tell Alex that I want no part in her little plan. I want Tobin," she told me. I knew Tobin was attractive but wow, everyone seemed to like her. It didn't make sense why she was telling me all this though.

"But why wouldn't you just let Alex think you're helping her so the plan wouldn't work," I asked. It was dumb of me to tell her this but it's what I would've done.

"Because silly, I love competition. I signed up for tutoring earlier and guess who was on the tutors list. My favorite person Tobin. It's so fitting I know," she seemed at ease with this and it gave me a bad feeling.

"Now please run along and tell Alex for me. It was nice seeing you again," she smiled at me.

This whole Tobin thing was turning her into a different person and I knew she wouldn't stop until she got her chance with the girl. I was conflicted with the whole thing. I knew what we were all doing wasn't right, but I didn't know if I could stop it yet.

Feeling my phone buzz, I saw a text from Alex. She asked to meet her at her house in ten minutes, so I knew it must be urgent. Luckily for me, I was skilled when it came to finding a way out of school and soon found myself at Alex's front door. She opened the door and appeared to be fighting back a smile.

"You would not believe what just happened," She began.

"Tobin realized she's madly in love with you and wants to marry you right away?" I guessed.

"Very funny. I talked to Tobin at lunch earlier and she agreed to starting practices with me again, just like we did in the summer," she beamed and waited for my reaction. I knew she'd find out about Christen soon enough, so I figured I'd just get right into it.

"That's really good. Oh Christen told me to tell you that she doesn't want to help with your plan and also, she wants Tobin for herself. Great talk," I waved and pretended to walk out. She was silent for a moment before answering.

"Please tell me you're lying," she said.

"I wish I was. Listen, why dont we all just forget this Tobin thing. She seems happy with Moe so why don't we just leave the poor girl alone?" I asked. She remained quiet for another minute before answering.

"If we stop with this then I lose my chance with Tobin. I want her back Meghan. Please," she pleaded with me. I knew I couldn't say no to her so I just nodded my head. Things would be bad when Tobin found out, but I figured I might as well help Alex.

"Thank you. Now that we know Christen has her own Tobin plan, I think we should be drastic now," she had a weird look in her eyes that I couldn't place. It reminded me of Christen and I wondered how far they would go for Tobin. I just hoped nothing bad would happen. Of course, nothing ever went the way I hoped it would.


thanks for reading and i hope you liked it. I'm super sorry i don't update as much and I really am trying to write whenever i find time. also, im curious as to who you ship together so maybe comment who you want to see be together and it might possibly happen. thank you again for reading.

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