Chapter Two

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Sixth grade went by surprisingly fast. The homework and projects were easy for me and I even managed to make a couple more friends. It was the last day of school and Lauren wanted to practice some more before she went away to summer camp. As I walked to the park, I saw a girl was with her. She was much taller and looked a couple years older than her. They both smiled at me as I approached them.

"Hey Tobin, this is Alex. She's my sister," said Lauren. I waved at her and introduced myself.

"Tobin Heath huh. Well it's nice to meet you. I wanted to start practicing with you two this summer but seeing how Lauren is going to summer camp, I was wondering if you wanted to keep practicing with me?" Alex asked.

"Yeah sure. Summer would be boring without having someone around," I replied. She seemed cool so far and I definitely didn't mind teaching her some things. We agreed to meet up every weekend for practice. A passed by quickly and soon, I found myself walking towards her at the park. It was our last practice together before school started but I knew I'd still see her when I went over to hang out with Lauren.

She was starting high school this year and she wanted to play for the school team. There wasn't a team for my middle school but I figured I could keep practicing for high school to make sure I'm more than ready when the time comes. We began our usual practice routine and started with laps around the park. Usually we would race and the loser would have to do extra laps but today she seemed quiet.

"Hey you okay?" I asked her as we finished our laps. She paused for a second before answering.

"There was this guy in my class. He told me he liked me and all my friends kept telling me how cute he was and how lucky I am that he likes me. After school today, he kissed me. He kissed me and I didn't feel anything towards him. No attraction or anything. What if I'm gay Tobin?" She seemed scared while explaining it all to me.

"It's not bad to be gay. Maybe you just don't like him. Try to avoid him at school tomorrow," I suggested.

"No you don't understand. I can't be gay. Everyone will think I'm some freak for being different and I don't want that. I just want to be like everyone else," she said while starting to cry. I walked over to her and pulled her in for a hug. We stood there for a while until she stopped crying.

"Alex you have to understand this. It's completely okay if you're gay. That's not something you can change about yourself no matter how hard you try, trust me," I said. She continued looking at the ground for a minute before quickly looking at me.

"You're gay?" she asked. She seemed scared of the answer so I decided to lie a little.

"I don't know what I am but I do know that I'm attracted to girls," I replied. I knew that I actually was gay but I didn't want to scare her away. I needed her.

"Maybe that's what I am too," she said, not really scared anymore. I nodded at her as she continued to think.

"Tobin you can't tell anyone please. I don't want anyone to know yet," she pleaded with me.

"I promise I won't tell anyone. Just please don't get all weird on me now that you know I'm attracted to girls," I joked.

"I'll try not to get all weird on you. Just don't fall for my beautiful self," she laughed. Her smile was wide and for the first time I realized how her eyes always sparkled whenever we practiced. It felt so natural to be around her and I hoped that I wouldn't fall for her and mess everything up. Little did I know, I was great when it came to messing things up.


Soo sorry for not updating as much. i tend to forget so remind me and I'll try to get it done asap. Also, sorry if it sucks and thanks for reading and Katie i love you :)))

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