Chapter 5

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The next day was Saturday, meaning I actually got to sleep in. My phone buzzed suddenly, waking me up from a deep sleep. The screen showed Moe's name and I quickly answered the call.

"Hey this is Tobin," I said, my voice cracking from having just woken up.

"Hi Tobin it's Moe. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today," she asked.

"Yeah that'd be cool. I'll just get ready really quick," I said while getting up. My body was aching for some reason which was weird.

"Alright. Come over to the park we were at yesterday," she said. I agreed and hung up. I threw on some sweats and a shirt and jogged down the steps quickly. It was a surprise that she wanted to hang out with me and a small part of me hoped it wasn't all a trick of some sort.

As I walked to the park, I could see that the street in front of it was blocked off. Curious, I hurried to see what was going on.

"Tobin over here!" Moe yelled to me and I quickly walked over to her.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"There's a parade today silly. It's some presidents birthday and you know how this town loves celebrating everything," She said, rolling her eyes. 

"Come on, I already saved us a spot," she grabbed my hand and lead us to empty seats right in front of the sidewalk. We sat down and she handed me a water.

"So how have you been lately? I heard about the rumors going around and that must've felt terrible having everyone talk about you," she prompted.

"Yeah it was at first but now I'm just used to it," I shrugged.

"I'm sorry Tobin. People are vicious sometimes but I want you to know I have your back okay?" she seemed sincere but I couldn't help but think this was all an act.

"Thank you Moe. I really appreciate it," I smiled at her. Act or not, I might as well go with it. Trumpets went off down the street and the parade started. Throughout the parade, I noticed how relaxed I was. I didn't know if it was because of Moe or not but it was nice. I haven't felt relaxed around anyone in a long time.

As the parade came to an end, everyone clapped and proceeded to grab all of their things.

"Okay so I forgot to tell you but my mom is across the street and she's been watching us this whole time. She knows about me being bisexual and when she heard I invited you, she thought this was a date," Moe said quickly. She seemed scared to say the last part but before I could say anything, her mom was already in front of us.

"You must be Tobin, I'm Vickie by the way," she shook my hand and beamed at me. "Morgan has been telling me all about you and her little cru-"

"Okay mom that's enough," Moe said quickly. Her face turned deep red which made her mom laugh.

"Well if you two want to go get something to eat right now, I'd be more than happy to take you," Moe's mom offered.

"Yeah that'd be nice," I agreed. Moe nodded her head and I figured she was still scared about me finding out about her crush on me.

"Lead the way my date,"


I never looked forward to school, especially on a Monday, but the idea of seeing Moe later excited me. Our lunch "date" went well and I even invited her to play video games with me yesterday. It was nice having a good friend again but a part of me kept thinking of Lauren. She seemed just as sad about us not talking anymore but I couldn't fix what she said.

Halfway through first period, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Tobin can we talk?" Lauren asked me. The teacher didn't mind if we talked as long as we finished our work so I agreed.

"I'm sorry I said what I said to you. I was scared of what people would say about me being friends with you," she explained. I rolled my eyes at her.

"So you decided to leave your best friend to deal with it alone? Great friend you are," I retorted.

"Tobin I'm sorry. I shouldnt have left you alone. I don't care if you're gay or anything anymore. I just want my best friend back," she pleaded. I missed her but I knew it wouldn't be how it used to.

"We can't just jump back into being best friends. It'll take time but I do forgive you Lauren," I said. She looked relieved at that.

"Maybe you can eat with me during lunch today? We can catch up on everything," she offered.

"I'm uh kinda already meeting someone for lunch today," I told her. Her smile faltered but we decided to meet at her place later. If we were going to be friends again, we both had to try.

The day went by quickly and soon the lunch bell rang. I grabbed my sandwich and headed to the tables near the field. As I approached the table, I could see Moe sitting alone. She looked nervous but relaxed when she saw me.

"Hey Tobin. Everyone either didn't come to school or they're busy so it's just us today," she smiled. I sat next to her and shrugged.

"Honestly as long as you're here, I'm happy," I confessed. She blushed and took a bite of her apple.

"Lauren finally talked to me today," I told her. She swallowed her bite quickly before responding.

"Wait her sister is Alex right?" she asked. I nodded and started on my sandwich. I knew where this was going.

"Tobin I have a bad feeling about this. I don't think you should go talk to her," she pleaded.

"I'll be fine Moe. We're just going to catch up on some stuff," I tried to assure her. She didn't seem convinced.

"Listen, if I see Alex I'll avoid her okay?" I grabbed her hand and this seemed to calm her down. I knew seeing Alex would be weird for me but a part of me wished I'd see her later. Despite everything, I just missed my best friend and her sister.


I haven't written anything in a while so sorry if it isnt as good. thank you everyone for the support and I really appreciate it. thanks for reading and have a good day

ps. writing is easier when people comment what they want to see and yeah. also, in the future i wanted to do a tag for this story bc im gonna be updating more and i wanna see what people think about the story. have a good day☺️

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