Chapter 8

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Tobin's POV

Life was confusing. Lately people have been acting really nice to me and while it is good, it's suspicious. I told Moe about these suspicions the night after soccer try outs, but she brushed it off. We haven't spoken as much because of other things and sometimes it feels like it isnt the same anymore. Like right now. Everytime I tried getting her to respond, she'd give a short response or shrug. The one time we actually have time together and it goes like this.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked her. She continued looking at her homework, pretending she didn't hear.

"I'm taking that as a yes," I said. It hurt that she wouldn't tell me what was wrong and I couldn't help but think it was my fault.

"I don't think we should be together anymore. We're both way too busy all the time and I dont think we have enough time for each other," tears started falling down her face and my chest started aching as her words sank in. It was all my fault. I must've started crying too because soon, I felt tears rolling down my own face. She pulled me in for a hug and we stayed like that for several minutes. After awhile, she pulled away and looked at me.

"Don't blame it all on yourself please. I know you probably already do but it was school and everything else not working out," she wiped away my tears and I nodded. I knew it was the right thing to do but it still hurt like hell.

"I'm sorry. I really wanted us to work but I knew we couldn't because of someone else," she said the last part in a small voice, hoping I wouldn't hear.

"You're leaving me for someone else?" I was shocked. Out of everyone in the world, I never would've expected her of this.

"No it isn't that. I'm just really confused right now and I think I'm getting feelings for someone else and I didn't want to be unfair to you. You deserve happiness Tobin and there are better people out there for you," she finished. My mind was a mess and I couldn't stand to think about it.

"Take care of yourself please," I said while walking out of her room.

I could still hear her sobs as I left her house. I didn't want to go home yet and face my mom with red eyes and all, so I walked to Lauren's house. On my way there, Moe's words kept playing in my head. I wanted to believe it was lack of time together but a part of me couldn't help but blame myself for it all. I approached Lauren's front door and knocked. A couple of seconds later, Alex answered.

"Oh hey Tobin. Lauren isn't here right n- is everything okay?" she asked, full of concern. She must've seen my red eyes. I shook my head and followed her into the house.

"What's wrong?" she asked me.

I tried thinking of words that could accurately explain the mess in my head but I came up empty. She seemed to understand that I was too much of a mess to talk so she pulled me into her arms and held me. Instantly, I could feel myself relaxing and I couldn't help but think that everything would be okay. She hugged me for another couple of minutes before seeing that I had relaxed.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" she asked me. I felt drained from all that crying so I declined.

"I just need some sleep," I replied. She must've known then that the reason I was like this was because of a break up, so she led me to her room.

"Usually you could always sleep in Lauren's room but Buddy has been in there shedding like crazy and I'm pretty sure you don't want dog hair all over you," she tried to lighten the mood. I gave her a small smile and we entered her room. She grabbed a blanket and pillow out of the closet and went to the door.

"You can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch downstairs. If you need anything, I'll be here," she said, leaving the room.

I wanted to tell her it was okay to sleep in here with me but I didn't want to ruin anything. Our friendship was getting back to what it used to be and I didn't want to ruin everything again. I pulled back the covers and laid down slowly. It'd be weird to be sleeping in Alex's bed if I didn't feel so relaxed. I knew I was safe here and soon, I found myself drifting to sleep with the scent of Alex all around me.


Moe's POV

I asked Tobin to come over and tried to sound like everything was perfectly fine. I could tell she knew something was up, but she just said she'd be over in a bit. Meghan came into my mind again and scenes from the practice the other day played in my head. I liked being around her and listening to her go on and on and random things and I knew I was developing a crush. That's why I had to go through with this.

After telling Tobin, I could see that I broke her heart. We've been dating for a while but I didn't realize her feelings for me were that strong. That's what made it worse. I hugged her for the last time and couldn't stop the guilt that came. I started sobbing and I did the only thing I could think of. As soon as Meghan answered, I begged her to come over as soon as she could. I needed her more than anything right now. A few minutes later, there was a knock on my front door. I wiped my tears away and went to answer the door, thankful that no one else was home yet. Meghan came inside as soon as she saw me and pulled me into her arms. I guess I didn't wipe my tears away good enough.

"Is it Tobin?" she asked. Hearing her name sent a new round of sobs through me. I was a terrible person and Tobin didn't deserve any of that.

"You aren't a terrible person," Meghan said. I must've been thinking outloud. She walked us to my kitchen and grabbed a water.

"Drink it please. It'll help prevent you from drying out because of all those tears," she joked. I drank some and relaxed. I felt better already.

"Thank you for coming over," I said. I really was glad she was here.

"You can pay me in hugs later. For now, I say we should watch some movies and try to relax. What do you think?" she asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Great. Now the only thing I'm against watching is horror movies. Anything but that, I'm more than okay with," she admitted.

"We absolutely have to watch horror movies now. I get to pick," I replied. She groaned and sat on the coach as I picked one of my favorites. Tobin was still on my mind and as I sat with Meghan, I knew we needed to talk again. Meghan was already covering her eyes so I allowed myself to be fully distracted for the time being. I owed that much to my crush after all.


I had a lot of free time so I figured I should update. thanks for reading and I hope you liked it. Please comment any suggestions you have and nice comments are also really good too :))

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