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(Top is life okaySong: Tear In My Heart- Twenty One Pilots)

12ampunk: "She's a tear in my heart, I'm on fire"

1amgrunge: "I just want someone to text me at 1am and want to just drive without a destination."

Yes. I'm a very cheesy person and if I hang out around Marcel I'll be blasting with cheesiness.

Honestly, the events that occurred while I was getting "tutored" by Marcel were not half as bad as I thought. I think Marcel and I perhaps have gotten even closer with the touch of our lips.... Who knew he was such a good kisser? A guy that can kiss like that must of surely had some kind of experiencing before.

However, let me set Marcel aside for a while because, the moment I've been looking most forward to in the day was just about to happen.

1amgrunge: Hii, N!

12ampunk: Hey babe :*

1amgrunge: Okay as much as I'm flattered, don't call me that because I'm currently taken... *blushing*

12ampunk: Taken?! By who? This can't be, we were supposed to meet, fall in love, get married, have kids, and do everything together...

1amgrunge: wait hold your horses! anywhore as I was saying, I'm taken by the one and only Niall James Horan.

12ampunk: oh..hehe right I forgot about your little crush. Well I have nothing in him because, I bet he is a great guy for you and surely will love you..

1amgrunge: gee, have you met Niall before? He has millions of other fans dying to meet him like, what would make me any different? You sound like you are so sure of the fact that I'll meet Niall one day and he will want to marry me or something..

12ampunk: I say this because I know he would spot your face in the crowd in a split second. He would feel his heart beat the fastest it has ever beat like a metal detector because, he will know you are the one he's been looking for. The one to change him..

1amgrunge: wow ...I-Im speechless really. I have this desire in my heart and you know what its telling me to do?

12ampunk: What is this so-called desire you speak of?

1amgrunge: I wish to meet you like honestly. I would just run up to you and hold you forever because, I have a feeling that you truly are an amazing person.

12ampunk: *sigh* One day. Just one day you and I will soon meet...and I'll melt in your arms like my heart is melting for you.

1amgrunge: No one has ever said that to me ohmygod. Thank you and I have to go btw so goodnight, N. :)

12ampunk: Goodnight my love, sweet dreams in that precious mind of yours. :* <3

Hey my beautiful people! 😁 so so sorry I haven't updated but I've been taking Tae Kwon Do and I have school however I am finally in spring break so I decided to do a little filler for you guys. However, I promise the next chapter will be much longer and better than this one.

P.s. I totally recommend Tøp aka Twenty One Pilots :) they're a really great band.

What did you guys think of the chapter?

Who do you guys ship?



Crap I almost forgot the qotd hehe....oops 😶😆

Qotd: What places would you like to visit?

I hope you guys enjoyed it :) ily

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