Chapter 1: A Totally Cliche Way To Meet

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-----Kellin's POV---- 

You know how everyone says that high school sucks? Well that's an understatement. High school is like the government saying, "Hey, you're almost an adult! Let's put you through four long years of being made fun of and being some asshole's punching bag!" Yeah, it's that bad. 

I hated school before but freshman year changed my life, and not in a good way. Sure, I probably could've gotten rid of some of the bullying I received by cutting my hair and not coming out of the closet in the summer after eighth grade. I was too hard-headed to do that favor for myself, and to this day, I don't regret it one bit. 

Everyday, it was the same thing: get up, drag my ass to school, come home, go back to sleep. Nothing ever changed. I had no one because I didn't want anyone. My father left my mother when she was pregnant with me and she died when I was fifteen. I lived off her life insurance, which was significant, and the money I could lift off other people. 

I didn't want to let anyone in... That is until I met him. 

It was my senior year, my last year as a caged animal. Granted it was my first day as a senior, but that realization was better than the day I realized I was only a freshman. 

It was already sixth period and it had been a long day of teachers saying, "Congratulations! You've made it this far, don't screw up now." 

I was walking down the C hallway, the last one before the gym and planetarium. I kept my head down and studied my shoes. I'd learned that if you made eye contact with anyone, you were asking for trouble. 

I saw the doorway to my classroom and headed for it. I was almost in the door when I slammed into someone, knocking them down while falling on my ass, too. Books and papers scattered everywhere around us and a few people started snickering. Luckily, this was the Advanced Placement hall and no jocks were around. Hey, I said I hated school, I didn't say I wasn't smart enough to take AP classes all four years. 

I put a hand to the back of my head and sat up with a pained look on my face. "Ow!!! What the fuck?!" 

I looked at the other boy, who was mimicking my expression, but trying to get his books and papers back in order. Something in my brain stuttered and my heart skipped a beat, no joke. In all my nineteen years, I'd never been so overwhelmingly attracted to someone at first glance. 

He was my height, give or take a couple inches. He had hair as long as mine, bu instead of black, his was dark brown. His skin was really tan, or he was Mexican I didn't know which. He had dark brown eyes and kinda crooked teeth, but it made him all the more adorable. I couldn't tell if I should call him sexy because he was very attractive, or cute because he was obviously younger than me. He wore a long sleeve dress shirt and a white bow-tie. 

"Oh... Oh my God, are you okay?!" His voice was just as beautiful as his appearance and it was slightly accented. 

"Yeah," I said in an absent voice. "I'm fine. Are you, uh, are you okay?" 

"Yeah. I'm okay." He kept his eyes away from me. 

I got up on my knees and started grabbing books. We had his books gathered and both of us stood up. 

"I'm sorry, man. I wasn't looking where I was going. Uh, here's your book...?" 

"Victor. I'm Victor," he said with a smile. 

"Can I call you Vic?" He nodded and his smile grew. I smiled back. 

"How old are you?" I asked. 

"Fifteen... This is my first day." 

My smile faded. "What're you doing in the AP hall? Seems a little out of your league."

His smile turned into somewhat of a cocky smirk. "I'm a certified genius. I have almost twice the average IQ of a high school freshman. I should graduate next year and move on to college."

"Hm. Seems like you got it all planned out. Do you... do you want to sit together? In chemistry, I mean..." 

My eyes connected with the floor and I heard him chuckle. "Yeah, I'd really like that. I didn't catch your name though."

"I'm Kellin, Kellin Quinn." 

Then the bell rang. "Well, we should get inside, shouldn't we Kellin? Don't want to be late." And I swear to this day he winked at me. 

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