Chapter 12: I'm Sure If It's Right

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I think writing in Vic's POV is harder because he's the softer of the two and he over analyzes and over-thinks everything and that's hard for me to do. Kellin on the other hand, what you see is pretty much what you get, unless you're Vic. Anyway, here's another chapter in Vic's POV, because I can. c: Enjoy, lovelies. 



------Vic's POV----

I woke up the next morning to Kellin placing gentle kiss over my collarbone, cheeks and shoulders. The first thing I recognized when I moved was I felt disgusting. All our sweat that had mixed together and dried during the night and now there was an odd, greasy feeling on my skin. 

Kellin made us a breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon, which was delicious, as everything he ever cooked was. It amazed me how many things he could do. It was only 9:30, and the sun was just starting to warm up the air, so Kellin brought the other sleeping bag out of the tent. We spread it out on the soft grass, making sure there were no rocks under it. The outside felt good on the skin left uncovered by my tank top and shorts. 

We laid on the blanket for a few minutes before Kellin broke the silence by asking, "Hey, do you wanna have sex?" 

I glanced over at him, laughing. "Is it a bad thing that you can just ask that so casually now?" 

He smiled and shook his head. "So, do you?" 

"I don't know," I shrugged. "It's probably way too hot in the tent. I don't really wanna go back in there." 

"Who said anything about the tent?" 

I felt my eyes widen. "You mean, just do it out here? What if someone sees us?" 

"Who cares? This far away from La Mesa, the chances we'll see someone we know is slim to nothing. And if they don't know us, they'll just think we're two teenagers having sex; they won't know I'm too old to be humping you." 

I cursed him in my head, some for making so much sense, and some more because he knew I hated when he was so blatantly sexual. It made me feel awkward. I felt his hand start trailing up my leg, and I knew there was no resisting. So, I melted into his touch and encouraged it. 

It was a fucking thrill having sex out in the open, where someone just driving or walking around could hear me scream Kellin's name. 

With a thick, new layer of sweat and come on me, I felt even worse. 

"Can we go swimming or something?" I asked, when Kellin's breathing went back to normal. 

"You're not tired? You just don't stop, do you?" He laughed. 

"C'mon, I'm all sweaty and nasty and stuff. Pleeeease." I whined and buried my face in the crook of his neck. 

"Alright, alright! Let's go get our swimming suits on." 

We did so, then Kellin started leading me up a dirt path that wound through the trees. The air felt so clean out here, it felt good to breath. We walked for a long time, and a lot of the path was uphill. We had to stop a few times because my chest or one of my legs would start hurting. It was normal, the doctors told us. 

We finally got to some flat ground. The sound of crashing water was so close I could feel the soft mist floating through the trees. 

"Okay, close your eyes," he ordered. I looked at him suspiciously, but all he seemed was excited. 

"If you push me in, I swear to God I'll make you jump in and save me," I promised. He laughed and took my hand to lead me. We walked for a few minutes before he told me to take off my shirt and shoes. I did as he told. 

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