Chapter 18: I'm Ready... Again

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So two things. One: There will be a couple pretty big time jumps in the next few chapters, just because I want you guys to see how they end up, because I won't be writing a sequel to this story. I probably will write more Kellics in the future, but not in addition to this story. My next story will most likely be a Jalex because I freaking love that ship. It ships itself. Two: I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. I really pride myself in updating everyday consistently, but yesterday, I felt like absolute shit. I was sad and there's a lot of fires where I live right now, so it burns to breathe through my nose and my throat hurts and my nose has been bleeding a lot. So I'm really sorry and please forgive my stupid self. 



----Vic's POV----- 

~About six months time jump~ 

It was August, believe it or not. Time flew like an eagle on crack. In the past few months, Kellin had graduated high school. He wanted to not go to the graduation, to just pick up the diploma some other time, but after a few gentle kisses and a lot of convincing, he agreed to go. I sat there in the midst of all parents and siblings, watching Kellin walk up the stage and get his diploma. He was so adorable, in his blue gown and hat, with his honors cord around his neck. 

After everyone got their diplomas, we waited until the crowd thinned out a little. I ran down the bleachers into his arms. He picked me up and swung me around. 

"You did it! You did it, Kellin," I said, my voice muffled by his shoulders. 

Just then a photographer for the yearbook came up to us. He was a sophomore, in a few of my more advanced classes, but we never really spoke. 

"Hey, guys? Mind if I get a picture?"

We turned to face him, Kellin's hand resting on my hip. "Why?" Kellin questioned. I knew he was suspicious. 

The guy blushed and shifted his weight to his other foot. "Someone nominated you guys for cutest couple, and you won... You guys aren't around much anymore so I figured today would be as good as any and-" 

"Whoa, slow your roll, Rick," I broke in. "We won cutest couple? Who put you up to this? What, are you gonna do, get a picture of us, blow it up, write "fags" all over it and post it all over school?"

"No! It's not like that!" He yelped. "Look, I can go get Mrs. Rose, if you want, but I'm not lying here." Mrs. Rose was the photography teacher and yearbook director. He looked so innocent, but in the world of high school, you trust no one... Unless that someone is a twenty year old guy that lets you live with him and lets you sleep in his bed after knowing you for four hours. 

"Yeah, go get Mrs. Rose, if this is really legit," Kellin snarled. He gently pulled me closer to his hip protectively. 

Rick scurried off in the opposite direction. I turned to Kellin. "We should get out of here, Vic," he said. 

"What? Why? What if we actually did win cutest couple?"

"Who would've voted for us willingly? Huh? No one. This is a con to make us let our guard down and make a fool of us." He turned to leave, but I grabbed his hand. 

"Kellin, I've never won anything in my entire life. We never have to be in this place again, for another three years. We barely ever leave the apartment. Just take this leap of faith with me. Please." I could see his resolve crumbling, so I put on my puppy eyes. 

"Fine, fine. Just this once." I smiled and kissed his cheek lightly. 

I heard heels clicking on the gym floor, so I turned and saw Mrs. Rose approaching us with Rick in tow. "Hello, Vic. Hello, Kellin. What can I help you with?" 

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