Chapter 2: It's Just A Ride...

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I know this story is picking up a little slowly, but I hope you stick with it because it's about to get messy. (;



-----Vic's POV---- 

 The moment I saw Kellin, it felt like he looked right through me. I'd only been in this school for a day, but I'd already heard things about him. He was in over 15 fights last year, the worst had put the other boy in the hospital. He was caught with weed in his locker twice, and he got caught selling it once last year. The only reason he wasn't ever expelled was because his uncle was the superintendent who had the power to override any expulsions or suspensions.

Did I think he was hot? Well, he wasn't exactly hard to look at. He was really skinny and he moved a little awkwardly, but nonetheless, he was extremely hot. 

We sat together during chemistry and I could swear I caught him looking at me a few times. The teacher just did a lot of introduction, saying what we were going to learn, some experiments we would do and that whoever we sat by tomorrow, that's who we'd sit by for the rest of the year. 

"Hey, Vic?" Kellin whispered and nudged my shoulder with his, pulling me out of my thoughts. 


"Do you... do you wanna sit by me? For the year, I mean." 

I smiled and felt myself blush a little. I knew he was only being friendly, but I also knew he was gay. I felt like he was hitting on me. I nodded and he smiled back. Our eyes stayed locked for a long time. 

"Victor! Quinn! If it isn't a bother, you should both pay attention to the syllabus instead on making googly eyes at each other." Our teacher was staring us, both hands on his hips. 

I ducked my head and went beet-red. Kellin just snorted and sat back in his chair. 

We sat in silence for the rest of the class, and when the bell rang, a lot of the kids ran out. Kellin made a move to leave, but glanced at me. I was gathering up papers. 

"You want me to wait?" He asked. This guy was so weird! Everyone said he was mean and hateful but he was being so nice to me. I had to figure out what his angle was. 

"Look, Kellin, I may be a genius, but I suck at socializing. I've only been here one day and you have quite the reputation. Are you being nice so I'll trust you and you can embarrass me in front of the whole school? Or are you hitting on me?"

His eyes widened and he looked genuinely surprised. "Wow. Not afraid to be forward, are we?" He chuckled and looked away. The room had cleared of everyone but us, even the teacher left. "C'mon, Vic, we just met."

I gave him a look. "Okay, okay! Yes, I was kind of hitting on you. C'mon, Vic," he said again, "what can I say? You're hot." 

I laughed nervously and probably blushed all over my face. "I appreciate it, but I can't do this."

"Do what?!" He cried. "I ran into you and I was only being friendly. I only started to hit on you when I asked you to sit with me. I just want to be friends. You're not even gay." 

"Says who?" I countered. "For your information, I actually am, not that it matters." 

Before he could reply, the last bell rang, telling us all students had to be out of the building in five minutes... and that my bus had left. 

"Goddammit!" I yelled. "I missed the fucking bus!"

I picked up my stuff and practically ran past Kellin out the door. He kept up easily. He followed me to my locker. 

"Do you want a ride? I could drive you home..." He offered. 

I stared at him for a moment, thinking. My house was over three miles away, and I had a bunch of stuff to take home. 

"Alright, fine. But only this time," I caved. 

"YES!" He celebrated and threw a fist in the air. 

"Calm yourself! I agreed to let you take me home, not to get in bed with you!" 

"Close enough," he said with a laugh and a wink. 

He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the school. I was careful to keep my sleeves pulled down; I didn't need Kellin to know that about me yet. 

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