Chapter 3: Just For A Few Days

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-----Kellin's POV----- 

I didn't talk much on the way to Vic's house, but he talked the whole time. I asked him what he wanted to do in life when we got in the car, and that's all it took. 

He started off saying he wanted to be a hematologist, then he said he wanted to be astronaut. He went on like this for five minutes, explaining a career in detail, then changing his mind. 

"But you know what I'd really love to do?" He had turned in his seat so he was fully facing me, his black Vans on the seat. We were stopped at a stop sign, with no one around so I looked at him. 

"What would you love to do, Vic?" 

"Come here," he said, motioning for me to lean in. I did so and he put his mouth right next to my ear. I could feel his breath on my skin and his lips brushed my ear a little. 

"I would love to be in a band." He leaned back with a look that looked a little scared. 

Honestly, I was shocked. Vic didn't strike me as a band type of person. 

"You mean, a band like trumpets and clarinets and stuff?" 

"No! Like guitars and drums and... and me singing. Or screaming."

"You like that kind of music?" 

"Oh yeah. I really like Capture the Crown and Of Mice & Men. Surprised?" 

I smiled. "A little. You seem so... goody two-shoes." He laughed and kept looking at me. 

Then a honk from behind us made both of us jump. I quickly drove through the intesection and turned on Vic's street. 

"You're cute, too, Kellin," he mumbled. 

I grinned. "What was that?" 

"You're cute too!" He said, laughing. "Okay, you can stop here." 

"Why? Do you live here?" 

He shook his head and looked nervous. "You can just let me out, I'll walk the rest of the way." 

"I can just take you to your house. It's not a big deal, Vic." 

We were silent until I saw a mailbox that said Fuentes, Vic's last name. I pulled into the drive way behind a white Buick. A red minivan was parked on the street.

He picked up his backpack and threw open the door. He mumbled a thanks and ran inside the house. It wasn't an ugly house, but it wasn't the nicest house ever. 

I put the car in reverse and started to back out, but the driver's side door opened, scaring me. Vic leaned his head in and pressed his lips to my cheek. He lingered for a second and then pulled my shoulders into an awkward hug. 

"It really means something that you'd go out of your way for me. I appreciate it, Kellin. I'll see you tomorrow," he said. I smiled and kissed his cheek back. It was the most action I'd gotten in years. 

Vic released my shoulders and stood up. He lifted his hand as if to wave, but the screen door on his house flung open and a woman ran out and down the steps. Upon seeing her, Vic looked absolutly terrified. 

"Victor!" She screamed. Her voice was shrill and obviously very angry. 

She ran to him, grabbed a handful of his hair, knocking his beanie to the ground and dragged him towards the porch. Before they ever reached there, she balled up her other stand and started punching Vic anywhere she could, in his face, chest and arms. 

I jumped out of the car and started towards him to help. Between his hollers of pain, he yelled for me to leave, and to not get involved. 

"Hey! Stop hitting him!" I yelled. 

The woman I figured was his mother stopped, and looked at me, just long enough to flip me off. 

"I told you you aren't gay!" She screamed. "You will not like boys, you will not associate with boys!" 

I was about to say something else when another guy came out of the house. He looked a lot like Vic, but he was a lot taller. 

"Mom!" He cried. "Stop it! Stop hitting him!" He grabbed her shoulders and dragged her off of Vic. He dropped to the dirt of the front yard. 

He was crying and he already had bruises on his face. He scrambled to his feet and ran to me. He grabbed my shirt and sobbed into my chest. 

"Hey, Vic?" The guy said from the porch. He must've shoved their mom inside. 

"Yeah?" He choked out. 

"Uh, maybe you should stay somewhere else tonight? Come back tomorrow and check in?" He suggested. 

"I don't have anywhere to go, Mike! Where would I go?" 

"You can stay with me." I offered. They both looked at me with surprised looks. "Yeah, I mean, I have plenty of room, and I can feed you." 

"Alright. I'll go, uh, I'll go grab some stuff." He left me in the yard next to my car while he and Mike ducked into the house. They came out a few minutes later, Vic had a duffle bag and Mike had a scratch on his face, no doubt from his mother. 

"Mike says I should stay with you a couple days, if that's okay. Mom's pretty pissed." 

I wrapped him in a hug, and told him it was fine. He hugged Mike good-bye and we got in the car. We drove to my apartment in complete silence. 

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