Chapter 20: All That And A Box Of Candy

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----Kellin's POV---- 

~About four year time jump~ (I know that's a lot, but whatever. Like I said, there won't be a sequel to this, and the next chapter will be the last one, and I want you to see how they end up.) 

The last few years had been pretty uneventful for Vic and I. He graduated high school, with just a year and four months of it. I'll admit it, he was one smart motherfucker. We'd both been going to Berkley on our full rides, and it was pretty fun. We obviously weren't the partying type, so we pretty much kept to ourselves. I met a really nice couple of guys name Alex and Jack. They were married, and eventually became our best friends.

College was a big thing for Vic because he was only sixteen. He was at least two years younger than everyone else, and because of that, he got a lot of shit. No one seemed to care that he was smart enough to be there that young and that he deserved it. He was going to be a computer or information scientist, probably one of the nerdiest jobs I could ever think of, but he would eventually be making over $100,000 a year. I was going to be a music teacher. I was originally going to be a nuclear engineer, just because it paid well, but I decided I really wanted music in my life everyday, so I switched majors halfway through my freshman year. 

Vic and I still lived together in our two bedroom apartment, and nothing much else had changed. We still slept in the same bed, he still wore my clothes by accident sometimes, and we were still happy just to be together. It made me wonder how it felt to only have been in love with one person ever, but as long as Vic stayed in love with me, I didn't need to know. 

Of course, we had little spats. One time, he broke two of my plates that had belonged to my mother while doing the dishes, and I get worked up about that, but it was nothing too huge. 

It was during the summer of 2021. It was the hottest day of the year, and I figured it was the best day to do it. Vic and I were lounging around the apartment in the air conditioning, trying not to melt. We were both wearing shorts and tank tops from a clothing line called Anthem. The top he was wearing was mine, not that I minded when he wore my clothes. He was a little smaller than me, so my clothes were a little baggy on him, but it was nonetheless the cutest thing ever. 

"Hey, Vic?" 

He looked up from reading Of Mice and Men for the forty thousandth time, his small reading glasses slipping down his nose. "Yes?" 

"Let's go do something. I'm bored as fuck." 

He laughed, took off his glasses, marked his page and set the book on the coffee table. "And what do you propose we do? It's almost 110 degrees outside, and there's air conditioning in here. What more could you want on a day like this?"

I grabbed his hand and dragged him up from his seat on the couch. "Just c'mon, lazy ass. It's a surprise." 

We both pulled beanies on over our heads and I slipped on my red Toms, while he put on his violet pair of Vans. We left and I drove us to the ice cream parlor we went to on our first date. It had become a special place to us, and we only went there on special occasions. 

When I parked, Vic turned to me, a confused look on his face. "Kellin, what are we doing here? What's going on?" 

I giggled, and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "Nothing, love. Everything's alright." 

I climbed out of the car, opening his door for him as always. There had only been a few incidents where I didn't open his door for him, but only when he was angry at me. We went inside the shop and had ice cream exactly like the day after we'd met. We sat in the same side of the booth, putting ice cream and whipped cream and sprinkles on each other's face, then kissing or licking it off. It was more fun this time around because he was comfortable kissing me in public. 

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