Chapter 1

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Luke's POV

Ben had promised me today that he'd take me to the park and teach me soccer since I'm being bullied at school for being good at math and not doing sport. I don't know how to play any sport so Ben promised to teach me soccer.

I'm probably the only guy in year 7 that can't play soccer or any other sports, cause I suck and always let the team down in P.E. I just really hope that Ben knows what he's doing, cause Jack is usually the one who is awesome at sports but he refuse to help me; Ben says it's because he's going through puberty.

I'm 12 years old and the only thing I can play that's near a sport is Fifa on the play station... Hopefully Ben could teach me something.

When we got at the park Ben gave me the soccer ball and told me to kick it to him. I did as he told me, and when he kicked it back I wasn't fast enough to kick it back to him and it went right past me. Ben chuckled "Don't worry, you'll get it. Eventually," he said as I went to get the ball.

I picked the ball up from under a bush and turned around kicking the ball a little too hard toward Ben. Ben tried the catch it with his foot but it past him and he fell on his face. I burst out laughing but stopped suddenly when I heard a girls voice "Ow!"

I swallowed my laughter and ran over to where I heard the voice. When I got there I saw the back of a girl with long black hair hold my ball. "Hi, I-I'm sorry f-for kicking y-you with t-the ball," I stutter. The girl turns around with a frown on her face. Wow...

She's gorgeous... She has long raven black hair and really light shiny brown eyes. She has flawless skin and looks like she goes to the beach everyday considering her skin is really tanned. It looks like she's got make-up on but I see no evidence of any.

She said nothing so I continued "I'm Luke, what's your name?" I step forward and she takes a step back looking scared, she dropped the ball and ran off. I stood there shocked... What just happened?

I picked up the ball and walked back to Ben with a frown on my face. He's been standing behind me the whole time, watching me make a fool out of myself! "She's cute..." he comments. "You just stood there while I made a fool out of myself?!" I ask baffled.

"Sorry bro, but it looked to me that you had everything in control," he says putting his hands up in defence. "Whatever. Just teach me how to play so we could go home," I say and walk back to where we were.

Ben and I have been practising for half an hour until we decided to go grab something to eat. We live near the ocean for...some... reasons... I don't know, all my mom said was that I'll find out when I'm 13, which will be tomorrow.

We walk into some sea food dining place and sat at a booth waiting for our waiter to come and take our order. Soon enough the waiter came and she took our order. Ben is 17 years old; he's 4 years older than me.

When the waitress came back with our food she smiled at Ben and when he smiled back she blushed slightly and looked down walking off. "She likes you Bingaman," I taunt him.

"Oi, never call me that again and I will have your head Lucas!" he warned and we had this little sibling fight over the table. Then I saw the girl again, I got distracted and Ben hit my head. I turned to him and glared at him. "Go talk to her Lucas!" Ben hissed and pushed me out the booth.

I started walking over to her, I felt so nervous, but then a boy from school popped out of nowhere and grabbed her arm. It looked like they were having a little argument before the girl ripped her arm out of his grasp.

He turned around and saw me watching. "What are you looking at?" he snapped silently looking frustrated and as if he was giving up.

"Calum, where the hell are you?!" I hear another guy yell from outside. When he saw the first guy he ran in and bumped into me "Watch it, loser!" he snapped at me... Michael... I loathe him. He hates me and I don't know why?!

I turned around and quickly went back to my seat. Ben looked mad and he was glaring at Michael. He suddenly stood up. "What are you doing?!" I hissed at him. "No one is going to talk to my baby brother like that," he said back to me.

I put my head in my hands and hit the table frustrated with my stupid brother. He's going to make everything worse!!!

"Excuse me but I couldn't help but notice you bulling my brother," Ben said in a scary calm voice. Michael for once in his life looked scared and shook his head "No, I d-didn't..." he stuttered. Calum looked just as scared as Michael.

I got up and ran to Ben "Ben, leave them alone, they didn't do anything!" I hissed at him and tried to rip him away from the situation. He suddenly looked my way and his blue eyes were almost black and that scared the living yogurt out of me.

He pushed me back and I fell down. Ben started beating up Michael and Calum, only to have Jack run past me and hit Ben over the head with a glass breaking it and making Ben fall to the floor. Calum and Michael were shocked and I think I saw them cry in pain.

I was in so much shock all I did was run out of the diner and towards the beach. The sun started setting so I decided to sit in the sand and watch it go down, my house is only 10 minutes away. I almost started crying...

I feel a presence of someone sitting down next to me and turned to see the girl from earlier- great, she saw my psychotic brother beat up two guys and get hit over the head with a glass by my other psychotic brother. Lovely... *Note the sarcasm*

"Hi..." she said really quietly, but for some reason I heard her. "Hi," I said back at her "What's your name?" I ask. She looks at me quickly and then back at her lap "Maze..." she said and pulled her legs up to her chest.

"That's a pretty name... I'm Luke Robert Hemmings; do you have a second name too?" I asked trying to make a conversation. She smiled "Maze Aquamarine Alexandria Hood," she says. "Damn, a third one too, you must be something special," I laugh.

She giggles silently. "You could say something like that..." she said looking up at the sunset. We stare at the sunset until the sun wasn't there anymore.

"I should head home, it was nice meeting you Luke Robert Hemmings," she said jokingly and stood up. I chuckled standing up after her "You too Maze Aquamarine Alexandria Hood, Yes! I remembered it!" I say a little over excitedly making her laugh. She has a pretty laugh...

I blushed looking down, we're about the same height, Maze and I. I looked up and into her eyes. She smiled lightly and I think I saw her blush when she suddenly looked down, still smiling. I smiled like the Cheshire cat at that.

"Bye, Luke..." she says walking in the direction of the ocean and rocks, she must have left something there... aw well, better get home cause I'm extremely tired and I think I might pass out and never wake up... Bleh! I hate this feeling!

When I got home I saw no one so I guess I'm off the hook for staying out without Ben then. I spoke to soon when I heard the front door open again. I turn to see my parents with a mad looking Ben and Jack. Shit I hope they weren't looking for me...

"Sorry we were late Luke. We had to bail Jack and Ben out of the police station. They were in a fight in public so the officers took Jack and carried Ben away too," she said shaking her head and looking down. Good thing I ran away! Suckers!!!

I smiled and went upstairs to my room which had a balcony that looked straight at the ocean. I sat and watched the waves when something caught my eye. It looked like a fin but it went under right before I could take a good look at it.

I got up and went straight to bed not caring if I wasn't wearing my PJ's. Right when my head hit the pillow I Immediately fell asleep and dreamt of her...

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