Chapter 8

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Luke's POV 

I sit next to what I really hope and think is my soul mate. I haven't moved from this spot since we brought her home. She is laid on her bed in a coma for the last 2 weeks and I really hope she'd wake up soon... I miss her smile... and her laugh... and just plainly... Her...

Fuck! What's wrong with me? I barely know her, but she makes me feel like a 13 year old girl! She makes my stomach feel weird and I can't stop thinking about her, and I barely sleep because I keep having nightmares of her bloodied body when I pulled her out of the water that night. What if she died? No! I can't think that. I'm driving myself insane!

I lift her pale hand up to my face and kiss it as I cry silently. She's completely pale and her lips are chapped. Her hair is dull and lifeless and there are dark circles around her eyes from all the blood loss and not eating.

"Maze... Aquamarine... Alexandria... Hood... or Poseidon, or whatever... Please wake up..." I say as my voice cracks at the end. "Please...!" I choke out as I start sobbing again.

She's been like this for 2 weeks and Cat being Cat after I told her that Bruce and Stacey hit her, told the principal that they gave her a concussion that leads to being in a coma, so they got suspended.

Lani offered to Hex them but I told her not to because she had to be nicer to people now that she's or earth with normal people. If Calum hadn't backed me up I think she might have hexed me!

Lara has been in the room shortly every day, as she clung to Michael like her life depended on it. I personally think that they're mates but I would've understood if Calum was her mate and Michael was Lani's, cause I can just imagine how many times their going to bicker over everything... That or they might balance each other out.

Cat also being Cat, was sleeping the stress away... no not snore snore drool drool, I mean hump hump moan moan! It's sickening, but Lani says it's her way of coping and secretly believes that if she wasn't destined to help her mother, that Cat would become a sex god... or a nymph... That's what Lani calls her oh wonderful sister.

But I've noticed that Cat keeps going back to one specific guy now after the 2nd night of playing hump and dump, and I still don't know who it is but I think it's her mate, but I don't plan on finding out either... As long as she doesn't try raping me of my virginity, I'm fine. Yes I'm a virgin.... Shut up!

I'm waiting for my mate... or wife... whichever comes first... and secretly I'm hoping my mate is Maze... And that I won't stay a virgin for long... And I'm hoping she's a virgin too so I don't get embarrassed... But first... I need her to wake up so I could hold her, and have her kiss me on the cheek whenever she says hello... I just want her to look at me once more... With those big gorgeous eyes staring back at me with so much happiness... Just once... more...

Lara and Michael enter the room, cutting off my sobs to silent tears; falling from my face to her right hand I was holding since last week Monday... Yes its Friday I know and yes I haven't showered or eaten and I only eat something when they bring it to me sometimes... I usually just stack everything up till Sunday and eat it then; it leaves more time to mope.

I feel a hand on my back and look up to a sad yet concerned looking Michael... That's new...

Lara was clinging onto him for dear life as tears slowly fell from her face. "Have to do something... I have to help her..." Lara said clearly distraught, yet determinately.

Lara moves over to Maze and places her hand on her head "I'll give her some of my life source!" she said determined. Like a flash, Michael is pulling her away "Whatever that means it sounds dangerous to you and I'm not having it! She's strong! She can get through this!" Michael scolded her as he brought the crying girl to his chest once more... I want that...

Fish Tale, Luke Hemmings (5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now