Chapter 1

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A/N aaaaand Best Song Ever is officially back!!

I decided to change the plot from what I had previously, so I hope you enjoy!!!

NOTE: Obviously this is fanFICTION. Most of this stuff is probably not true. Maybe...

I do not own One Direction. If I did, I'd be rich.

I have NOTHING against any real life relationships any of the 1D members may be involved in. For the sake of this story, Eleanor is probably going to be a bitch. (I'm sowwy)

Thanks again!



My smile faded as I ran off stage with the others. The thrill of singing in front of large crowds had been lost months ago, following my bad breakup with Eleanor.

But for the sake of my fans, I put on the biggest smile every time I was in public, to show that I was still the hyper energetic Louis they all know and love. But internally, I was breaking inside.

Why did she break up with me? After all we've been through... Even though it had been months since the breakup, the pain was still fresh in my mind like it was just yesterday.


We had been going steady for a long time now, however, recently, she started getting distant.

Was it something I said? I knew I could be... Sassy at times, but she always seemed fine with it, or at least tolerated it. But girls are weird. They tend to get upset at things and not tell you anything about it until much later.

So, in preparation- just in case- I made dinner. I bought a bouquet of flowers for her, made her favorite pasta dinner, as well as dessert.

But when she came home, she seemed anything but pleased.

"What's this all for Louis?" She demanded. "What did you do?"

First, I felt offended that she even thought I did something wrong- even though I thought I did. But why wasn't she seemingly surprised, or even happy?

"Nothing, love, I just wanted to make you a nice dinner. You seem so stressed lately."

Her piercing gaze softened, if only a bit, and she sighed. "Thanks, Louis. I guess."

I frowned. "What do you mean by 'I guess'?"

Eleanor gave me a look. "Louis, I've been thinking about our relationship. I just- I don't think we're going anywhere! You haven't even proposed yet!"

I gaped at her. "That's why you're upset?!"

"Of course!" Eleanor snapped. "We've been together for how long now? 3 years? Zayn has already proposed to Perrie!"

I reached out to touch her shoulder, but she shook it off. "Babe, you know why I didn't propose yet."

At that, she rolled her eyes. "Yeah, you 'feel too young". Cut the crap, Louis. You're never thinking of proposing to me anyway." She shook her head. "I don't think we should be together anymore."

I felt a stabbing pain in my heart at those words. "How could you? After all we've been through together! We were going fine! How could you respect my decision to not propose until I'm ready?!"

"How could YOU? We were going no where! I'm not going to wait years until you're "ready", Louis!" She yelled back. But it wasn't in sorrow. It was pure, utter hate.

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