Chapter 5- The Bipolar Cat

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Georgia's P.O.V

I smiled as I drove out of the car wash at the filling station. All the sticky coffee and caramel that was stuck to the side was gone, and you could see your reflection in the red paint. Harry, of course, stuck to his promise to wash my car- not himself, but I'd guess this would do.

I sat on the hood, sipping my coffee, waiting for the boys to come out of the shop. They soon returned with their Pepsi, and a bag of chips.

"Having fun?" Harry smirked, walking up to me. I nodded, my mouth too full of creamy deliciousness to answer. Harry hopped on the car and sat next to me.

"Who said you could sit on my car?" I raised my eyebrows teasingly. Harry rolled his eyes and crunched on his crisps.

"Who said I couldn't?" It was my turn to roll my eyes, but I let it slide. Liam was just standing next to us, awkwardly, shuffling his feet back and forth, trying to find a place to sit.

I scooched over. "Here, Liam." I pat the space next to me, which he took gratefully. Harry glared at me playfully.

"How come he gets an invitation?" Harry demanded. I laughed at his expression. "Cos I felt like it." I reached over and grabbed a crisp from his bag. "Thanks for the chips!"

"One, who said they were for you, and two, they're crisps, not chips." "One, who said I couldn't," I retorted, quoting him from earlier, "And two, I'm American, so I don't speak your lingo." Harry gave me a look.

"MY lingo?!" He asked incrediculously as I crunched on another so called crisp. Liam was silently laughing at both of us, his eyes crinkled up at the edges as he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

"Yep." I smirked, popping the P. "Your lingo." Harry's face scrunched up into a scowl.

"Well, too bad. You're living in my country now." This kid was confusing me. One minute he is happy go lucky, and we are joking around, and next, he is all snappy. Is he bipolar?

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but last time I checked, you didn't own England." I rolled my eyes. A bit of tension was rising in the air, not so much that I was suffocating, but just enough to literally see it. Apparently I wasn't the only one because Liam wasn't smiling anymore, but looked back and forth between us, looking concerned.

"Would you stop doing that?!" Harry snapped, his fists clenching. He was trying to look intimidating, and he probably would be to someone else- but it's me we're talking about here. His eyebrows were bent down, into a frown, his fists were clenching and unclenching at his sides, and he was now standing up, beside my car. Despite the evident rage on his face, he reminded me of a cat. Why? Because my friend used to have a cat, that one minute, was purring and rubbing against my legs, then was scratching my eyes out. The bipolar cat.

 "Doing what?" I asked, letting my confusion show on my face. I literally didn't know what he was going on about.

He snorted. "Pretending like you don't know me!" Oh, so it was this again. I remember when we first met, he asked me, "Do you know who I am?" 

I must've still looked confused, because he continued. "I think you're some rude, obsessed fan that is playing dumb. And I am really sick of it!"

I snapped out of my confused state. "1.) How am I being rude, 2.) why would I be obsessed with you, and 3.) HOW AM I PLAYING DUMB?" I nearly shouted in the parking lot, earning me a couple of stares.

Liam held up his hand. "Harry, stop." He warned as Harry opened his mouth again, probably to shout a whole load of bull in my face again.

"And, I think your the one being rude! I hate people like you, who go around asking, "Do you know who I am?" you might as well be a nobody if you ask that, as if they should know exactly who you are!"

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