Chapter 8- "...And The Moral Of the Story Is To Never Drink and Drive"

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"... Not to mention he was a complete arse to me the whole time!" I fumed, making rude hand gestures towards Harry. "Liam was nice the whole time, and Harry was doing fine after the incident. But nooooo, he just had to open his big mouth at the gas station." I looked expectantly at the others, but they seemed bored. Was I that bad of a story-teller?

"... And the moral of the story is to never drink or drive." I finished. That caught their attention. They looked up abruptly, confusion etched upon their posh british faces- minus Paul and Harry. Paul was more of a burly guy, than a posh one, and Harry was like that annoying ugly broom that falls on you when you prop it against the wall.

Every damn time.

Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm just a klutz like that... Nah, that can't be it. Has anyone else ever experienced that before? 


No? Ok then...

"What did drinking and driving have anything to do with that story?" The raven haired boy asked me curiously. Despite his otherwise intimidating appearance, he seemed the calmest out of the 5, and his voice was soft and quiet.

"Well, Harry just zoomed off at the gas station. What if he was drinking at the gas station? What if he drank a lot of energy drinks? What he showed was reckless behavior." I said sarcastically. "Of COURSE it had nothing to do with the story. I just said it because you guys looked bored the whole time."

Stripes- I mean, Louis looked at me. "I got lost between the 2nd and 3rd paragraph."

I rolled my eyes. "You wouldn't know what a paragraph is if you saw one. Nonetheless read it." The rest of the boys "oohhh'd" and Louis playfully glared at me.

"Gurl, I am older than you." He snapped.

"Oh yeah, now you're an old idiot... Like my friends' loony Grandpa" More 'ooh's" were echoing behind me now. Louis looked quite flustered.

"WELL YOU- Okay... I give up..." We all laughed at his sudden change in mood, when he interuppted us. "But don't think this is over, Florida!"

I face-palmed. "It's Georgia."

"Got it, Carolina"

"Whatever ya say, Lewis."

"It's Louis." He glared at me.

"Sorry, Louise." I was smirking at his horrified face.

Paul sighed, and gave me a look that said, Do you believe what I have to go through everyday? and spoke up. "WELL... Back on subject... Harry, why were you so rude?!"

Harry fidgeted and looked at the ground. "Well... I thought she was playing dumb to just to get to hang out with us... And I didn't like that. I mean, you've had to heard What Makes You Beautiful!"

I frowned. "I haven't. If you lived with my dad who banned all music, you'd understand."

Liam looked at me. "Why'd he ban music?"

I coughed awkwardly. That wasn't supposed to slip out. "Anyways," I said, changing the subject, "why didn't you believe me when I said I wasn't playing dumb?"

Harry gave me a weird look. "You know how our fans can be."

I coughed again. "Actually, I don't."

"Oh, um... They do crazy stuff to hang out with us. No... Just to see us." He said, his eyes widening at the thought. Damn. They must be psychopaths or something...

"And I'm sorry, really..." Harry trailed off, unsure of what to say. "I'm sorry for being a complete arse." He looked genuinely sorry, and for a moment, he didn't seem like those damn ugly brooms that fall on you when you prop them against a wall. Maybe he was just a broom. Or a swifter. 

Yeah, he was a swifter.

(Lol, I have a crazy mind xD)

"It's okay." I huffed out. His eyebrows arched in surprise.

"That's it? You forgive me?" He asked incrediculously. " I suspected it to be harder..."

I gave him a look. "I don't think your fans would like me for ripping you to shreds."

Harry sighed in relief. "I am loving my fans more than ever right now."

I held up a finger. "But I really don't care what your fans think, so I'm gonna beat you up anyways." With that, I took the broom that Mel might have placed oh so conveniently at the counter and whacked him on the head lightly. 

He covered his head with his arms as I continued to smack the dusty broom on his head. "Ow. Ow! Stop it! Stopitstopitstopit!" I ignored his pleas and smacked the broom on him even harder. 

Did I mention how much I love brooms?

Lol, this chapter was really random xD

Idk why...








Katie Kat

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