Chapter 3- Teddy Bears, And Eavesdropping

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Harry's P.O.V

"It is crazy in here." Liam stated, as were were escorted pass the screaming girls. "When did you realize that?" I asked, amused. "When we were mobbed by crazy fans, or when we had teddy bears thrown at our faces?"

"Hey! That part wasn't so bad." Louis protested, hugging his brown teddy bear. "You're such a kid, Lou." Zayn smirked. "What else is new?" I nudged Zayn in the ribs lightly. We had just finished our concert in Tampa, and we were flying back to London. If we could only get past these girls...

"Hey, where's Paul?" Niall asked, suddenly noticing the absence of our favorite bodyguard. "He said he'd be joining us later. He's waiting by the gates." Liam replied, flashing a smile toward some teenage girls.

I did my signature cheeky grin, making the girls swoon, while Louis and Zayn just simply smiled and said a few "hello's". Niall, the poor lad, wasn't coping very well with the crowd, so he was just walking with his eyes glued forward.

We walked to a secluded area and our guards surrounded us. "Okay, disguises please! You may take them off once in the plane." One man said, handing us an assortment of sunglasses, beanies, caps, snap backs, and caps. "Remind me again why we're not flying 1st class?" Louis asked, putting on a pair of sunglasses. "Because we want to appear like normal teenage boys who do normal things, and not look like stuck up brats!" Liam replied, grabbing a pair of sunglasses himself.

Louis made an 'O' with his mouth. "Are you ready?" The bodyguard asked gruffly. We nodded and sneaked away from the fans unnoticed. We managed to blend in the crowd of people boarding the plane. I looked around for Paul. "Aha!" I muttered, making my way toward him. He was waving to a young girl with brownish black hair, who was most likely a fan. "Who was that, Pauly?" I asked in a teasing manner.

He waved his hand dismissively. "Nobody." We boarded the plane without anymore questions. "Now, remember, we are splitting up in pairs so that we don't look suspicious. "Louis, you're with Harry. Liam, with Niall, and Zayn, with me." We nodded, familiar with the procedure. Louis tugged on my shirt, and we walked together toward our seats. Luckily, I got the window seat, while Louis preferred the aisle.

As I sat down, I noticed the occupant of the seat in front of me was a teenage girl. She looked vaguely familiar, but I brushed it off without another thought. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through Twitter. I tweeted, "Heading home! <3" which resulted in a frenzy of tweets such as, "OMG What plane are you on?!" and "Kay, sweetie.". The last one, obviously, was from Louis, who was grinning like an idiot next to me.

I playfully punched him in the shoulder. Louis and I had this... Bromance. Of course, our fans shipped us, or Larry Stylinson. Sorry to disappoint you, girls, but Louis and I are definitely straight. We just get along really well. 

I focused my attention to the front of me, and saw a blonde girl sit in front of Louis. The blonde girl turned to the brunette. "Are you a directioner?" Great. Probably another crazy pair of fans sitting right in front of us. Then, if they find out who we are, they'll go ballistic, and scream to the whole plane, alerting all passengers that we were on board. Fan-fucking-tastic.

To my surprise, however, the brunette gave the girl a look. "A what?"

The look the Blondie gave her was enough to kill. "Duh. A One Direction mega fan! Thank god you aren't." 

The brunette simply gaped at her. "By the way, I'm Mckenna Lynn, and I'm going to become the girlfriend of one of the band mates." I mentally gagged at the thought of having one of us dating her. 

"Honestly, with an attitude like that, do you think a boy would want to date you? Nonetheless, a celebrity?"  I laughed softly at her comeback, while Louis grinned and snapped in a z formation. "She just got owned!" He whisper yelled to me.

Mckenna didn't seem fazed. "HA! Wait until I get one of them! You'll be crying your eyes out!" I snorted at her self confidence. "Why would I be doing that?" The girl asked, slightly amused at the blonde's expression. "Because you're jealous?" Mckenna said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

The other girl laughed, however. "Oh, I'm not gonna stop you. Go ahead and date the world band for all I care." No. DON'T GIVE HER ANY IDEAS!! At least she had enough sense to try and date one of us. I shuddered at the thought of her hitting on all of us.

"You honestly don't care that one of the hottest boys on earth will date me?! What is wrong with you?!" She screeched. The brunette ignored her, and went back playing with her phone. Lou nudged me on the shoulder. "Enjoying the eavesdropping?" I rolled my eyes. "You aren't eavesdropping if they're talking in front of you."

It was only a few hours later, but I felt like I wanted to jump off the plane and die already. The girl in front of me was apparently having the same thoughts. "Kill me now..." She groaned. "Gladly." The Blondie sneered, not even bothering to look up. Rude.

I started jiggling my foot, and fidgeting around. I wonder... If the girl doesn't know what a directioner is... Would she recognize me? Of course she'd recognize you, you dimwit. Who doesn't? A voice inside my head snapped back at me. Yeah... But who hasn't heard of a directioner? I thought. 

I didn't notice that I pressed my foot into the back of her chair until she fake coughed loudly. I withdrew my feet. I sighed, looking out the window at the clouds passing by us. I couldn't sleep, my phone died, and my best mate was snoring next to me.

I felt my foot being pressed against. I looked up and saw my foot had found it's way on the back of the girl's chair yet again. I quickly removed it. This was so boooorrrriiiinnnnggg. I wish we could've taken a private jet. It goes quicker, not to mention, their are no nosy fans.

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice. "Get you're feet off my chair!" I looked up, startled. The girl was turned around in her seat, giving me an annoyed glance. I froze, looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to realize who I was, then scream...

The scream never came. Instead, the girl glared at my feet. "Feet." She said simply. I retracted my legs, and she gave me a fake smile, and turned around. But not before muttering, "Boys..."

Well, that answers my question.

So sorry I haven't updated in awhile.

As I said, I have writers block :(



I love feedback, both good and bad!!!







also, check out my 2 other stories

Angels To Die


Harry Potter And The 6 Fudging idiots

Both 1D fanfics :)

<3 Luv ya!

Katie Kat

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