Chapter 4- Don't forget about the car!

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Georgia's P.O.V

I awoke to a throbbing headache, and a sore back. Fan-fucking-tastic. I stupidly rolled off the bed and landed on the wooden floor with a bang, and landed on my face. Muttering profanities, I stood up, trying to ignore the hammering pain in my head.

I stumbled to my suitcase, and dug around, until I found a small bottle, labeled, "Tylenol". I grabbed a pill and swallowed it, dry. Pain pierced the side of my head once more. "You have got to be kidding me." I groaned to myself.

What else could brighten you're day other than a cup of coffee? Well, technically, a lot could, but that's besides the point. Maybe a life sized cut out of my "dad" and a box of darts. Ah. There'd be good times. I walked downstairs and wandered around until I found the garage.

If theres something I have to give credit to my father, it's that he has a nice taste in cars. And good connections. Why? Because right now, I'm staring at a fucking red Ferrari. A Ferrari. Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari. A red Ferrari. I thought the word again just for the thrill of it. Where he got it? I don't know. How he got it? I don't really care.

Despite my headache, I found enough energy to run back upstairs and changed into a navy blue and white striped shirt, jeans, a couple wristbands, my favorite mustache necklace, and neon green high tops. I put my hair up into a simple ponytail, and was ready to go in 5 minutes, flat. I ran back to the garage, hopped into the awaiting luxurious car, turned up the radio, and drove out into the unfamiliar road.

A thousand years later, and a million songs later, I found the Starbucks. Let just say, London is quite big. I parked my car by the curb, wincing as I realized that the Ferrari stood out from the rest. But, honestly, right now, I couldn't give a damn about what anybody thought.

I hopped out of the Ferrari and entered the Starbucks, and soon, the strong, bitter scent of coffee beans started to tickle my nose. Since it was Starbucks, it was kind of crowded, and there was a decent line forming, so I quickly took my spot.

Should I get the Caramel Frappe? Or the Caramel Ribbon Crunch? Ooh! How about a smoothie? Or that Snickers Frappe I heard about!!! I almost swooned as I thought of all the possibilities. While I was waiting in line, I had to listen to the constant yapping from the girls in front of me.

"Ew. I can't get that! It's too much calories! I don't want to lose my shape!" Blondie snapped to the Brunette. The other girl nodded. "I know, right? I went out for a date, and this guy was like, "I'm going to buy you a slice of Cheesecake." and I was like, "Nuh, uh! Too much, you know?"

No. I don't. Enlighten me. I wanted to smash my head against the counter as the girls kept talking and talking... When my headache is finally gone, and the pain has blissifully disappeared, these fucking barbies have to bring it back. Finally, it was my turn.

"Hello! How may I help you?" The boy at the counter asked politely. "Um... A Caramel Ribbon Crunch, please!" I said, managing to muster a small smile. "Sure thing!" The boy flashed me a grin. I couldn't help but feel attracted to him. I mean, he was hot. Messy dirty blonde hair, blue-ish, green eyes, and a dazzling white smile.

I could get used to London.

The boy returned shortly after with my drink. I handed him the money, thanked him, and left the counter. I stared at the cup in my hand. It was... It was... Perfect... The caramel swirls in the center, the fluffy dollop of whipped cream on the top, and the crunchy caramels on top...

I almost swooned at the sight. Then I noticed something scribbled on the cup. "Call me" it said, them a number was written in messy handwriting. I grinned. Delicious coffee AND a hot boy? Hell yeah.

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