Chapter 13- Leaving

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"Georgia? Georgia! Wake up!"

My eyes fluttered open to see 5 boys staring down at me. I screamed, yanking the covers up around me, suddenly feeling very exposed. "What the hell?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?!"

The boys stumbled back, surprised, and Louis fell off the bed with a thump, much to their amusement.

Louis rubbed his head and frowned. "Well good morning to you too. Besides, it isn't your room, it's ours because..." His voice faltered as I glared at him.

Eager to break the tension, Harry interrupted Louis. "Soooo, how did you sleep last night?"

I turned my gaze to him. "Well, Mr. Sexual Predator, I had a wonderful sleep last night. Until all of you crammed in with me."

"We're not that bad!" Harry said exasperated. "Besides, girls would kill to be in the position you're in!"

"Plus, you're the one who agreed to let me sleep with you!" Niall added.

"Only because I didn't want to seem like a jerk for turning a crying person away!" I protested. "And I wasn't thinking right. I was... On a sleep high?"

"Y'know, he probably wasn't actually crying. He was pulling your leg." Liam told me. "He does that to get his way."

"Wha?" The guilty look on Niall's face confirmed my suspicions. "I can't believe you! Pulling the crying card on me..." I huffed, mad at myself for letting him stay, mad at Niall for deceiving me, and pissed at my memories that haunted my dreams.

"By the way, you looked kinda- how do I put it- reminiscent in your sleep. Like you were in deep thought." Louis commented.

Zayn hummed in agreement, startling me. I didn't even realize he was there before.

"Big words for such a small brain." I mused, causing the boy to pout.

"I am older than you." He growled.

"Age doesn't mean anything. Boys are naturally less intelligent than girls, anyway."

The boys shouted defensively over each other.

"That isn't true!"

"That is so sexist!"

"I AM smart! Most of the time..."

I rolled my eyes at them. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but the vast majority of men are inappropriate, immature, and not to mention, dumb as hell."

The boys fell silent, perhaps unsure of what to say to that. After a long pause, Harry spoke up.

"Gah, fine. You are slightly correct." I cheered, celebrating my victory. "But you still haven't answered the question. Why did you look so damn sad in your sleep? Nightmares?"

I paused, debating whether or not to answer his question truthfully. "O-Of the sort, I suppose."

Harry opened his mouth to ask another question, when by phone began ringing on the bedside table, saving me from their interrogation.

I hastily swiped it up, and glanced at the caller ID.


Except, his contact wasn't exactly "Dad" on my phone.

"Who's Mr. DamnAssDick?" Louis asked, peeking over my shoulder.

"My dad." I replied flatly. "Don't ask." I hit "decline" and slumped in the bed.

"Shouldn't you answer that? I mean, he could be worried where you are, and if you're okay because you didn't go home-"

"Would you shut up? Did I ask for your advice?" I snapped, causing Liam to stiffen. I immediately felt guilty, but not enough to make me apologize. "He doesn't care. He never will."

If my previous outburst didn't make him think twice about speaking, this certainly did. Everyone was completely silent, taking in everything I just said.

"Can I ask what you mean by-"

"No." I cut him off immediately. "Just leave it at that, please." I sighed.

Liam sunk back in defeat. The uncomfortable silence continued, eating away at my sanity, until another ringtone broke the silence yet again.

Liam reached into his pocket and fished out his phone. "Ello?" He nodded, murmuring "yes sirs" and "no sirs" into the phone.

After he hung up on the caller, he turned to the boys. "Paul called. He said we need to be at the stadium in half an hour."

Louis groaned, then grudgingly scrambled off the bed along with the others.

They exited the bedroom one by one, but Niall paused before following them. "You coming?"

I shook my head. "No, I have to go to work today."

Niall gave me a small smile. "Will we see you around?" His eyes fixed on me, almost pleadingly.

I shrugged. "Maybe." But in my head, I knew I wouldn't. It wasn't what you would think. It wasn't because he was a celebrity and I was, well, me.

It was because of something else.


"You ready?"

I nodded, trying to smooth out the wrinkles in the outfit I wore yesterday. I needed to head back home first, to change, then, I'd go straight to the store, which was now named The Music Box, courtesy of yours truly.

The boys offered to get me a ride, one which I tried to refuse. Yet here I am, getting into a car that will drive me to the Valor Residence, where my "house" is.

"Thanks for everything!" I smiled.

"No problem!" Liam replied, while the others nodded in acknowledgement. "It was nice to spend time with you."

"Yeah." A small voice whispered.

I looked away from Liam, trying to see who said it, but 4 other innocent stares met mine, making it impossible to tell who it was.

"Yeah... Well, I better get going now." I said quietly.

"Same here." Zayn jumped in. "Or Paul will have a fit." The others grunted in agreement.

I closed the car door, but rolled down the window. As the car pulled out of the lot, I waved to the boys.

They waved back solemnly, and I continued to wave until they disappeared from view.



Sorry I was late updating. Exams were last week, so I was up all night studying. GAH

Then Wattpad decided to be a dick and delete half my story.

Fortunately, I got it back! :)

Who do you guys think whispered "Yeah" to Georgia?

Who do you ship, if I were to pair two characters?

Ship names, anyone?

Comment below what you think!







<3 KatieKat

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