Chapter 6

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It was 10:00 am on Sunday morning and you had just arrived at the front door of the grand Wayne Manor. As Alfred opened the door for you, instead of being greeted by Bruce or Damian, a tall man with quite long black hair that was half covering his bright blue eyes greeted you.

"Hello to must be (Y/N) (L/N)" he said, " I'm Dick Grayson, I've heard a lot about you."

"Nice to meet you," you said as you walked into the entrance hall.

"Damian! Your girlfriend's arrived!" Dick shouted from the bottom of the staircase. You could hear the anger in Damian's steps as he came down the stairs.


"Damian, chill. It was just a joke," Dick interrupted.

Suddenly you heard another voice coming from upstairs,

"Fucking hell Damian can't you wait till after breakfast till you start screaming about how you're gonna murder everyone!"

"Can't you mind your own business, Todd? This does not concern you!"

The man that the voice belonged to emerged from where he was and was charging down the stairs towards Damian.


He was metres away from pouncing on top of Damian when he noticed that there was a guest present. He walked normally down the stairs for the next few metres and towards you.

"I forgot Damian's girlfriend was coming over. That was just banter I didn't mean any of it. I'm Jason Todd, the hot brother." he smirked.

Jason had messy black hair with a white streak at the front, it reminded you of Anna from Frozen.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and Damian and I are just friends." You said calmly, as you glanced towards Damian's face you could see it was bright red with both embarrassment and anger.

"If you two morons don't mind, we're going!" Damian hissed as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you upstairs.

"Awww look, Jason, they're already holding hands," you heard Dick tease from behind you.

"Isn't he such a gentleman?" Jason laughed.

You heard Damian make a growling noise as you both continued your way to his bedroom.

When you got there Damian shut the door behind him.

"I'm so sorry about my brothers they've got no life and the only thing they've got to do all day is annoy me," he sighed.

"Don't worry about it, that's what brothers are for," you laughed. "So what are we doing today? The suspense is killing me!"

"I'm glad you asked (L/N)," he said as he rummaged through a drawer in his desk. He pulled out a rectangular white envelope and handed it to you. "This is what we are doing."

You hurriedly opened the envelope, eager to see its contents. You pulled out two paper slips. As you took a closer look you saw they were VIP tickets to see your favourite band tonight in Gotham. You scanned the paper again, to check you weren't going crazy, they had been sold out for months. You were stunned, how did he even know you had desperately wanted to go? You knew you hadn't talked about it before.

You looked up at Damian, you were lost for words, he had just spent $200 on a ticket for you.

"I-I can't accept this," you stuttered.

"You have to, or else I'll be going in my own."

Suddenly you jumped up from where you were sitting on his bed and wrapped your arms around him, giving him a tight hug.

"Thank you so much, Damian, you are the best person in this world, I lov-" you had to stop yourself from what you were about to say.

You stared at Damian, hoping he hadn't worked out what you were about to say. There was brief silence, but it felt as if you face had caught fire and it was slowing burning its way through your flesh. 

Damian pulled you in closer, positioning his head so his lips were centimetres away from your ear.

He softly whispered, "I love you too (Y/N) (L/N)."

He pulled away so his lips were now inches away from touching yours. All sorts of thoughts were rushing through your head and every single one of them told you to close that gap. You looked straight into his glimmering blue eyes, you had never seen them from this close and the butterflies in your stomach were rapidly flying around, trying to escape. Your arms were around his neck and you could feel the silkiness of his hair through your fingertips as you started stroked the back of his head.

You edged closer, slowly closing your eyes, preparing for what was about to happen. You felt Damian's lips softly brush against yours, they were softer than you expected, which made you wanting more. You leaned in closer and your lips crashed into his, not as subtlety as you thought it would be. Damian didn't mind, he kissed back, his hands moving up and down your waist. You couldn't help but smile in between, no one had ever made you feel this way before. The kiss was passionate but soft and loving.

However it didn't last long, suddenly the door swung open and Dick was there holding a tray of refreshments.

"Hey guys, I brought you some-"

You and Damian quickly pulled away but it was too late, Dick had seen what had happened between the two of you and had a huge goofy grin planted across his face.

"Just wait till I tell Bruce," he said and ran off down the stairs.

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