Chapter 19

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It was early February and you were packing your suitcase for your trip to Hawaii with Damian. You had been looking forward to this day ever since Damian gave you the tickets. You would be staying in a really fancy five-star hotel, of which Bruce practically owned. The reason your parents let you go was that Dick would be there to supervise as he was a 'responsible adult' even though he was 26 and the most irresponsible adult you had met. Nonetheless it meant that Dick would probably be out all day so it wouldn't make much difference.

You had finally finished packing and Damian was due to be picking you up any minute now. You had packed clothes for every occasion and had great difficulty when trying to zip up the bag. You would only be gone a week and the weight of the suitcase was double that of yours, you had to make the most of the fact that you could bring as many bags on board as you would be flying in a private jet. You were starting to get more excited about the 10 hour journey than the actual vacation, you had always wanted to fly in a private jet, there would be unlimited access to all the drinks and snacks and just the thought of not having to climb over a bunch of people just to go to the toilet was enough to get your heart racing.

You hugged your parents a last goodbye as the limo pulled up outside.

"We're going to miss you so much, (Y/N), have a great time!" Your mum said.

"I'm only gonna be gone a week," You laughed.

"If anything happens, you call me straight away," you dad looked at you sternly, he was still uncomfortable with you going away on your own with a boy.

"I'll be fine dad," you hugged him tighter to reassure him.

Lastly, you hugged your brother/sister,

"Good riddance!" They joked and you opened the front door to begin your trip.

"Aloha" Damian smirked.

You pulled him into a tight hug, "Thanks again, I'm so excited!"

"Haha me too," he kissed you in the tip of your head.

At that moment you heard a camera click sound from behind you. You snapped your head around. Standing there was your mum with your phone, taking hundreds of pictures.

"Give that back," you snatched the phone out of her hands.

"Sorry honey was I embarrassing you?" you could hear your brother/sister howling with laughter.

"Goodbye, mum," you rolled your eyes at her.

"Not so fast, I still haven't said hello to Damian."

"Hi Ms (L/N)," Damian smiled.

"Come here," you mum hugged him, " I hope you have a great time, and please I've already told you to call me (Y/M/N)."

Damian awkwardly hugged back, you mouthed "sorry" to him but could help let out a little giggle.

"We've really got to go now," you said as you picked up your large suitcase.

"Let me take that," Damian took the bag off you, "Nice seeing you again, Mr and Mrs (L/N)," he said and wheeled your suitcase to the car.

"Bye guys, see you in a week," you waved goodbye to your family and followed Damian into the vehicle.

"Shotgun!" You called as you unfairly rushed to the passenger side while Damian placed your suitcase in the boot.

You greeted Dick, as you climbed into the seat. The journey to the airport took an hour due to the traffic and in that time you managed to have a really interesting conversation with the older brother about lots of funny things Damian has done in the past. For instance his first encounter with Tim and at one time he threatened that he would kill all his brothers and take something personal of theirs and hang it as a memento in his room, hence the text Dick sent on Christmas Eve and you burst out laughing because you finally understood the joke. During this conversation, Damian was angrily glaring at Dick and told him to "shut his mouth unless he didn't want to use it again" throughout the whole journey.

When you arrived at the airport, you didn't have to go through the bag check-in and kill time in duty-free, as you were taking a private jet you went straight to the VIP area and your bags were taken off you there. You had to wait a few minutes while the plane was being refuelled so as there was a duty-free shop there, you tried on some perfumes while waiting.

It wasn't long until you were seated in the aircraft and ready to take to the skies. You tightly gripped Damian's hand as the plane sped along the runway and started to leave the ground, this was always the worst part of flying all the thoughts of something suddenly malfunctioning and you falling to your deaths suddenly filled your mind and you gripped onto the boy's hand even tighter.

"You alright (Y/N)?" He looked at you, concerned.

"Y- Yeah sorry," you said as you took your hand away and saw you had left marks where your fingernails have dug into his hands.

"Don't apologise, it's ok to be afraid," he took your hand in his again and gave out a small smirk.

"I'm not afraid, I've just watched too much Air Crash Investigation."

"Sure," he chuckled and kissed you on the cheek, "Everything's going to be fine, we're already as high in altitude as we're going to get."

You both then watched the film Damian had got you for Christmas and you rested your head on his shoulder and he put his arm around you.

"Still scared?"

"Shut up."

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