Chapter 41

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"Alright Robins, do any of you have a plan?" You asked. Red Hood shook his head while reloading his gun, Nightwing had a blank expression on his face and Red Robin smirked while he opened up his holographic computer.

"Of course I have a plan. I've isolated the signal coming from the microchips implanted in Damian's bloodstream, he is currently not far from here. But the problem is: from what these chips are telling me Damian has some sort of drug in him. It's not one I've ever encountered before, we don't know what state he will be in even if we do get to him without getting our throats slit, which, by the way, is almost inevitable as we have hundreds of highly trained assassins trying to murder us." Red Robin explained.

"Your plan sounds pretty shit to me. I say we go in there, giving every bad guy a bullet between the eyes," Red Hood replied. Nightwing and Red Robin just glared at him and the focused back on the original plan.

"Stop being so pessimistic Timmy, everything's going to be fine, we're not going to die, plus there's four of us now." Nightwing cheerfully replied.

"Only codenames in the field please, Nightwing."

"Everyone here knows who we are. Plus Dickie-Bird's right we're not gonna die cus you've got me. And if it isn't already obvious to you I'm fucking awesome." And with that Red Hood just walked off.

"Um... Jay, where do you think you're going?" Nightwing called out to him, the room was still moderately foggy from the tear gas and Jason had just disappeared.

"Ugh, I knew bringing Jason was a bad idea, he's a loose cannon and now he's just going to get us all killed," Tim complained as he opened up a diagram he had drawn of the layout of Nanda Parbat. "Anyway, Damian's this way," he led the way and you and Nightwing followed close behind.

To your surprise, you didn't get attacked by as many ninjas as expected on the way, and the ones that did try were quickly knocked out cold. After what seemed like an eternity of winding through endless stone passageways, the three of you were now at the entrance of a large room. You could hear voices quietly murmuring to each other but you couldn't make out any words. You couldn't see much from where you were perched, you didn't want to draw any unwanted attention but what you could see was a row of assassins. However these assassins weren't like any of the ones you had ever encountered before, they were almost double the size.

"What are they?" You whispered to Red Robin and Nightwing hoping for some sort of idea on what you were up against.

"They are Talia's latest experiment to make the 'ultimate warrior'." A voice whispered back from behind you. You turned around to be face to shiny red helmet with Jason. "I've been here for like an hour waiting for all of you. I also took out most the crazy ass ninjas for you!"

"What else do you know Jason?" Tim asked with a slightly agitated tone in his voice.

"Oh, so Mr I-Know-Everything needs my wisdom now?"

"No, I-"

"Guys quit it! We're here to get Damian, not argue over who's the smartest. Jason- if you know anything else about these 'warriors' now would be a great time to share that information." You loudly whispered but it was still quiet enough so you weren't heard by anyone else.

"Fine. From what I've seen there's a hell of a lot of these guys and they're also crazy strong. But, like in every evil mastermind's plan to take over the world, there's a flaw. These guys are dumb, like even dumber than Dick and that's saying something."

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